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"Daniel James?"

My eyes slowly peeled open as my sight was then blurry, having to blink a few times to clear the colourful dots clear from my vision. Suddenly realizing that I had drifted off to sleep, my body jolted up.

"Y-Yes?" I squeaked, swallowing hard as I focused on the professor that scowled.

"Do you care to share the answer?" He spat with a cocky attitude, my palms getting sweaty.

"I-I don't, I wasn't, paying attention.." I sighed, nervously scratching the back of my neck.

"This is your second day here and you're already falling asleep in my class. Did you get enough sleep last night?" He asked, crossing his arms as his eyes narrowed. My heart was pounding; seeing all of the eyes glued to my lanky figure made me want to curl up into a ball and disappear. I hated being the centre of attention.

"N-No." I huffed quietly, my eyes flickering around the classroom's floor to try and avoid eye contact.

"Didn't think so. Sit up and pay attention." He hissed, making me sigh softly. I nodded, pushing my back up to roll against the back of the chair. I tapped my foot lightly, wanting to hug my knees into my chest.

I've never been in a real school before, as I have been home-schooled all my life. It felt weird, being here.. I didn't really understand the methods of teaching or anything of that nature- it was a foreign feeling and I didn't enjoy it.

Having social anxiety was a big thing for me, and I don't even know why my mother even cared to put me in a public school. She was never home, and I doubt she cares for me anymore. I'm just holding her back, I suppose. Still living at home was odd, but it's what I was used to. I stuck to myself, and I rarely ever come out of my shell.

Continuing to daze off the sound of the bell made me gasp quietly, sighing lightly as I slung my book bag over my small shoulder.

Lunch, great.

Yesterday wasn't so hot, and I ended up just munching on a granola bar in the bathroom stall. I bit the corner of my lip and pushed my way through the crowd, ignoring all of the comments getting thrown at me. The words didn't hurt- as I've heard them many times before in my own household- but they were all just unnecessary and mean.

I gasp as I felt a pair of hands shove me against a random locker, tripping over my own feet.

"We have another one?" The tall boy smirked, shaking his head.

"P-Pardon me?" I managed to choke out, swallowing thickly as my eyes squinted in fear as I gazed up at the boy.

"Another fag." The boy continued, snarling. "What the hell are you even wearing? You do realize that you're not a girl, right?"

I swallow hard, glancing down at my outfit. I was wearing a lilac sweater and tight white jeans, a frown stretching my lips. "I-I like, what I wear.." I said quietly, flinching as I was shoved harder against the locker.

"You and Chris disgust me. Have fun tearing up each other's assholes." Was the last thing he said to me before letting go of my jumper, my stomach in my throat. I swallowed thickly, feeling my eyes burn with tears.

I sighed for about the third time today, shaking it off before continuing my venture to the bathroom. As everyone was already piled into the cafeteria the hallways were empty, making me sigh of relief. I pushed my back up against the wall and hid my face in my hands, feeling a hot and unwanted tear slip from my eye.

Stop being so sensitive, Dan.. I let out a silent sigh and shook my head, standing up straight. Wiping the stray tear from under my eye I continue to walk, avoiding the cafeteria.

Suddenly as I turned the corner I bumped into a small figure, tripping over my feet and my back colliding harshly with the wall.

"Ouch.." I whined quietly under my breath, shutting my eyes tight. A sudden gasp from the other made my eyebrows furrow together, slowly adjusting my eyes to the boy that stood before me. I tilted my head to the side as I studied his features, my eyes landing on his glimmering ones.

"Daniel, right?" The excited boy chirped, my hand returning to the back of my neck.

"Er, Dan.." I nodded, "H-How do you know my n-name? I've, never seen you before.."

"I'm Chris." The boy smiled, shoving his phone in his back pocket and holding out his hand shake. I looked down at his tiny palm, it almost mirroring mine. He was fit, like me. He had a little more muscle, but he was still thin. He was dressed in a t-shirt and black jeans ripped at the thighs, knees, and calves, black converse on his feet. Yet, he looked very friendly.

The name finally reminded me of the locker incident earlier. Was this the guy who that jock was talking about? I held out my clammy left hand and awkwardly shook his hand, him aw'ing softly.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head, "Not, really.. I-I'm just heading towards the vending machine."

"Vending machine? Why don't you just go to the cafeteria?"

"T-Too many people. I-I've already gotten heavily bullied and it's only my second day.. I don't really have any friends.." I shrugged softly, my throat tightening as I found it hard to speak.

"Really?" Chris groaned, "Look. I've been there. That's why I skip. This whole school is nothing but homophobes. You're gay, right?"

"I-I don't, I don't know.. I've never really categorized myself as anything.. But apparently this entire school only cares about labels, b-but I'm not sure. I've never been attracted to girls, and my mum put me in this school because she always calls men fags, so she just wanted me to stay away from her, I guess. She doesn't like me, so yeah. It's weird.."

Chris laughed slightly, "Alright, mate. I didn't need your life story." He paused for a moment, "You're like, super cute. Innocent." He smiled.

"O-Oh, sorry.. I-I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not.." I stuttered nervously, referring to the innocence comment.

"Of course it's a compliment. Come on, sit with me at lunch! We can talk more there. I'm starving."

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