Error's POV

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I remember when this was still just a game.

I remember when I met you, and we would play. You would create whatever I could imagine. You'd ask me to lift you up when you were too short to reach the top of your canvas. The toys we'd make, the stories we'd share, the adventures we'd have. Our ignorance kept us innocent, and our childhoods were bliss.

That obviously couldn't last forever.

As soon as I learned what my powers were truly capable of, everything changed. Of course, in our youth it was all fun and games. I'd break your dolls, you'd get mad and to spite me make ten more. I'd break your art pieces, and you'd paint more on the shattered remains of the old ones. But soon, we found more toys to play with.

It wasn't a game anymore.

Not when the alternate universes came into the playing field. Disgusting creations that you refuse to let die for some damned reason. I might not respect your actions, but your determination to be a pain in the ass has my respect.

It was stupid of us both though, Ink. I mean, how could we ever think that "creation" and "destruction" could ever coexist peacefully? Since when was that a damned thing?

The bottom line is... I can't keep this up Ink. We've been fighting since the beginning... and it's not going to end until one of us either dies or gives up. And, knowing you, rainbow asshole, you're not gonna make this easy and just give up.

If anything is gonna happen, it's gonna have to be today. As much as I want to call it an even fight, I'm whooping your ass. I've cracked your skull and managed to break off one of those damned art hands of yours. Not to mention you're fresh out of paint. I'd like to say I'd be walking out of here unscathed, but you've shattered a few ribs and broken one of my hands pretty good, which has made the job of hitting you with my strings a pain in the ass.

"You know, I've gotta say." I shrugged, grinning. "I was kind of hoping you'd be dead by now."

"Me? Dying? Now that's... a good one." I'm better at hiding my pain than you are. I rolled my eyes. "Just die so I can get back to work. You know you don't have a chance in killing me."

"I don't want to kill you!"

"Well, you better figure out some way to win this petty little game, because if you don't I'm just gonna kill you right here!"

"I KNOW how to win! All I have to do is- HRK!!...." My stomach did a little somersault as you quickly brought your remaining hand up to your mouth, coughing up a wretched amount of blood. I watched with unease as the blood dribbled down your chin, dripping like a faucet to the anti-void's ground, staining the white world red. "I-I... just... have to save you." You wiped the blood from your face and stared at me with determination in your eyes, a grin spreading across your bloodied face. Considering my whole given purpose was to destroy everything, seeing you like that brought me to a rather pathetic conclusion: I didn't WANT to see you die. In fact, seeing you this close to the end was actually beginning to terrify me.

But we can't keep going on like this. You're too damn certain that you can "save" me, and I'm too damn annoyed to let you go on rebuilding every universe that I've painstakingly destroyed. You always have to go and make things difficult for me, don't you?

A painful idea snuck its way into my head. Executing it would be difficult knowing how hard you were to break. But if I could pull this off... this game would finally end for you and I both.

"And what makes you think you're capable of saving me?" I snapped. "You've never truly saved anyone before!"

"I've saved hundreds in the multiverse that you have destroyed!"

"Oh, but were you really saving them? Or were you just saving yourself?"

I grinned at your petrified reaction.


"Wh-What are you-"

"They called you a hero. But we both know that that's a lie." It hurt to laugh at your pathetic face. I mean literally, of course, you did crack the majority of my ribs. "You brought them to reality to save yourself. To save yourself from your own fear."

I continued as the look in your eyes faded to defeat, looking down at the ground, the bright joy in them turning to darkness. "You've always been afraid. Afraid of being alone..." I grinned. "Afraid of being nothing."

"Stop..." You weakly murmured. Time for the final blow, it would seem. "I would know best. After all, I've been watching you for a long time."

"Wh-What-" I cut off your terrified voice. I didn't notice your clenched fists, you're angered eyes, the bones floating behind you.

"You know, I've destroyed a lot of abominations. But I gotta say, no screams have entertained me the same way your Papyrus has-!"

"SHUT UP!!!!!"

Heh... I'm not much of a liar, but this seemed to work out.

It was a good game, Ink.

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