Chapter One

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"NO!" A figure in the distance, was hunched over a body. "No, no, no, NO! Th-this can't be happening!" Another figure moves behind her, her father. "Hey... Sweetheart... it okay. C'mon. We need to go home." The girl looks up, furiously wiping tears off her face. "IT'S NOT OKAY! DO YOU THINK IT IS OKAY?" Her father steps back. "I understand. But we need to go. Your mother is waiting."

The crying girl looks up from her best friend's body. "You go. I will be there in a minute." Her father sighs. "Amy, we need to go now." Amy stands up. "HOW WOULD YOU FEEL, IF YOU BEST FRIEND DIED?! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF THE FRIEND THAT SAVED YOUR LIFE DIED? Horrible! Can't you understand?" Amy begins sobbing, and her father looks uncomfortable. "O-okay Amy. I will wait in the car for you."

Amy looks up, desperate. "We have to bring her home." Her father shifts uncomfortably. Then looks at the dead girl before him. She looks like she's sleeping, curled like she would when she would go to bed. It doesn't look like she's dead, but she is. They suspect it was poison. They were feasting on wild mushrooms. Luckily Amy didn't accidentally eat a poisoned one. The girl, Amy's best friend, Colet, had came across a poisoned one. The girls had trained hard, but this mushroom looked like a ordinary mushroom.

The father sighs. Amy steps forward a step. "Please daddy? She has no family to do it." She was talking about the special tradition in Colet's family. Colet was to be burned, then her ashes must be put in a heavy marble tombstone with her family. "Alright, fine." Sensing he had already lost the battle, her father grudgingly accepted, and picked up Colet's body. "Lets go home."

Hey this is my second book, and it may be my first book I complete. If you enjoyed, comment!

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