Chapter 1

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You peered at the clock placed in front of you and laid your head back on the dining room table where the delicious dinner you had made for you and your husband, Jungkook, was now stale and cold.

Of course you had already gotten used to him coming home late; this was the 9th time that he came home late this month, but it was already 3am and Jungkook would have came home already at least an hour ago. You didn't know why you stayed, why you kept holding on, why you still cared; because he sure as hell didn't. Yet you still had hope. Hope that one day he would realise how much pain he was putting you in and then he would make up for it. Give you those unexpected kisses and back hugs like he did at the start of your relationship, shower you with his love everyday after work, but the string of hope that was once taut now felt like it could snap at any moment.


Your head snapped up from the hard surface of the table as a familiar bang echoed throughout the house and a worn-out Jungkook entered your home that he was never around anymore to even call his. That was another problem. Jungkook always seemed to stay at the bangtan dorms now to avoid getting into those petty fights that often occurred. They were always about his unusual behaviour that started when Bighit announced that BTS would be having a new comeback; which was a few months ago.

Jungkook slipped off his shoes and slowly started to make his way to your shared bedroom; thinking that you were already asleep. 'Typical,'  you scoffed inside your mind, 'of course he wouldn't even notice my presence.'

You decided that you had had enough. You were going to confront him about this little problem for the umpteenth time and you weren't going to let Jungkook escape out of this one.

"Jungkook," You called out in a firm voice. You hope that this fight wouldn't escalate and lead to you two yelling and waking up your neighbours at 3 o'clock in the morning.

Jungkook turned his head around towards you in surprise, "Oh! Y/N! I thought you were asleep,"

'Huh, what happened to Jagiya?'

Jungkook started to head towards the bedroom again, expecting you to follow him. 'It's now or never,' You silently pushed yourself inside your mind to say what had been bothering you.

"U-um," you stammered.

"Uh, yes Y/N-ah?"

"Look Jungkook, I've been meaning to talk to you about th-"

Jungkook interrupted you with a slightly annoyed voice, "Yes, Yes Y/N. We've talked about it already. I know, ok? I'm coming home late because of the new comeback. We've talked about this a million times, I thought you understood when I told you about it."

"Jungkook, I do understand but look at the time! It's 3 o'clock in the morning! I knew you were going to be coming home late but seriously? Can't you even try to make time for me? I'm your wife for god sakes so stop making up excuses because for the past few months I didn't even get to spend a single day with you and god knows that your schedule isn't that busy." You started to get angrier and angrier with every word.

Jungkook's face started to look even more annoyed as he opened his mouth to say something, "Making up excuses?! Well I'm sorry if I want to spend a day out to relax with my friends after work instead of coming home to an annoying, clingy wife!"

You stepped back a little after you heard his harsh words, but refused to back down. "Clingy? Oh, please forgive me Jungkook for being mad at my husband who doesn't even spend his spare time with his wife that he barely sees, but with his friends that he sees nearly everyday!"

Why? BTS Jungkook x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя