Side Stage

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     Kyle eagerly made his way through the rushing airport crowd, scanning his surroundings for a familiar face. Tugging his suitcase behind him by the plastic handle, his heart skipped a beat as he made his way out the arrivals gate. A smile appeard across his face as he saw her. Quickly, he made his way towards her, letting go of his suitcase to throw his arms around her, holding her in his arms as if to keep her from ever leaving his embrace. After a few moments, his arms slid down to hold her waist gently while he beamed down at her. "I missed you so much. Three months is too fucking long." 

Myca's face was glowing while she smiled up at him sweetly, her arms around his neck while they stood yards away from the arrivals gate, beaming at each other like idiots. " I know.. It's lonely when you're gone. But touring must have been fun, right?" She raised her eyebrows curiously while finally her arms move from around Kyle's neck to take his hand.

    Kyle laced his fingers with Myca's and used his free hand to reach behind and grab his suitcase, pulling it along as they slowly made their way to the exit, into the parkade. "Tour was awesome. Every show was was crazy as fuck. And the guys keep asking about the baby. They're probably just as excited as I am." Kyle beamed brightly, glancing at his girlfriend as he walked along her side, nearing their car. 

   Myca gave Kyle a soft smile, before looking down, letting go of his hand to unlock her black jeep wrangler. She didn't say anything as she got into the vehicle, turning it on and putting in a random cd from her collection while Kyle stowed his suitcase in the trunk and followed her into the car. He watched her, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. He could sense her uneasiness. With Myca, it wasn't hard to tell when something was wrong. 

When she stayed silince, pulling out of the parkade, Kyle rested a hand on her thigh, facing her with a concerned experssion waving over his face. "Babe?"  

  A long sigh heaved from Myca's chest and her grip tightened around the leather coated steering while. Glancing at Kyle while she drove,  Myca finally spoke up. "I just... I got some news while you were gone and I don't know what you're going to think about it.."

  A wave of concern coursed throughout Kyle as he studied Myca's soft features, giving her thigh a soft squeeze as he leaned in a little closer to her in his seat. "What is it, baby?"

    "Well.. When I went in for my check up, they told me that I'm sick. They told me it's serious... They're concerned for my health and the baby's health.. and... and I don't know what it all means and I don't know what to do..." By now, Myca was muttering, an obvious lump in her throat as she updated Kyle." 

   His heart sank as he heard the news, but he fought the urge to let the content expression fall from his face. He tucked a strand of hair behind Myca's hair as he cooed softly, attempting to comfort her. "It's going to be okay, angel.. We'll make it through. It'll be okay.."


    The sad and twisted part of the situation is that it wasn't okay at all.. 3 months passed with Myca's health declining. After induced labor, she died, leaving behind a baby boy. Joshua Michael Pavone. And that's where our story begins.

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