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Friday 22nd April 2016, 8:55pm
                  Entry #001

Lately she's just just sad
Why? WHY??!
cos she feels useless
Thought she felt useless with X but boy, this had that beat.
This was way worse
This was epic
This was almost unbearable
She was gonna crack eventually, she could feel it
She didn't know what to do cos now, now it was starting to show, starting to show that it was getting to her.
She didn't want that :(
It wasn't his fault he was sick right ? Or maybe it was
How could she even think that
Nobody enjoys being sick
Nobody's going to mess around with something as big as this
It was huge
It was bigger than huge
It was a freaking big deal


She wasn't tired ... she was almost tired ...

She didn't want this ... she had told him from the very start ...


Her: Is this going to be an over the phone relationship?

HIM: Yu don't want that do you ?

HER: No (she had had enough of that the previous year, she was tired of it)

HIM: It won't. I'll be with you every chance I get

She didn't want this
She didn't need this
She needed him
Needed to feel his muscular arms wrapped around her tiny waist
Needed to hear his heart beat as she lay sprawled on his chest, their feet entangled and the sheets draped loosely on their bodies


She had come to realise the world wasn't a wish granting factory
She laughed to herself. She just had to get with the program

Diary Of A Confused Teenage Christian GirlWhere stories live. Discover now