Lulu's P.O.V

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I walked into the moon light, its luminescence lighting my trip down to the river. To fetch 5 buckets of water for my family, my Moder mother, Pa father, Adofo my eldest brother, then me, Sauda my little sister and my youngest brother Adio. Moder would help around with our tribe, Pa would help the men, Sauda and I would work with other children around the tribe, Adofo training to be the next tribble leader, and Adio running around without a care in the world. That was it my life similar to most other young women around my age. It was.... Then it all went wrong....

I hummed a soft tune as I collected the water out of the river and in my buckets. I heard leaves rustle nearby, I turned and went back to my Hut still humming the soft tune, I danced with the bucket on my head making sure not to spill any water. I started to sing a song I learnt a few years ago.

'Jy noem my naam, want jy my sien huil, jy my gehou in jou arms, jy het gesê, "moenie my kind huil nie, wag vir die son, môre sal die wêreld 'n beter plek wee."'

'You call my name, cause you saw me crying, you held me in your arms, you said "don't cry my child, wait for the sun, tomorrow the world will be a better place."'

I sang all the way back to my hut. As I got nearer to my hut I heard shouting and screaming. I saw men, women and children being pulled apart from each other. I ran to my hut dropping the buckets in my hands on the ground, I ran screaming for my Moder and Pa. I went into the hut and found my youngest brother huddled in the furthest corner of the room crying, I called his name softly.

"Adio" he looked up to me his eyes filled with fear and tears I picked him up in my arms carefully and carried him in my arms calling for Adofo and Sauda. I found my Moder and Pa being pulled apart by some white men. I ran over to them trying to pull the men off them.

"Lulu, go get Sauda and Adofo and run. Run as fast and as far away from here as you can. Go!" Moder yelled.

I was about to argue with her when she was roughly pulled away from me, I cried "Moder!" and tried to run after her to help her,

"Lulu, go now please child leave us behind we will be okay just go, and don't come back!" Pa begged. Suddenly a white man grabbed my arm roughly I cried out in pain,

Run, Run, Run....

Run Lulu now before they take you away....

Think of Adio, do it for Adio....

I looked into his scared eyes as he started straight into mine, his grip tight on mine as I held him in my arms.

Do it for Adofo and Sauda.....

Do it for Moder and Pa....

I chanted over and over in my head, and I struggled against the white man's grip but managed to finally pull away. Before he could grab hold of me again I ran away, I stopped when I reached a hut far enough away from the white man and hid behind it. Breathing heavily as Adio snuggled into my chest crying, I turned around and looked out from my hiding place only enough so my eyes could see. I watched a white man beat a boy while two other white men watched and stood in a pose that meant they would attack the boy if needed, I could not see the boy's face because he had his face facing the other way. The white man pulled out what looked like some sort of small wooden bat with sharp spikes and beat the boy on the back with it; I heard his screams for mercy.

The blood started to appear on the boys back as the white man hit him harder with more effort. I started to cry silently and hugged Adio close to me, tears spilling from my eyes as I covered my mouth with my hand to try and stop myself from screaming. I turned and looked at the boy his back bloody, the holes and veins were visible from what the white man had done. I saw the white man pull out a gun and shoot the boy, the three white men walked away. I grabbed a cloth from my pocket of my dress and tied it around Adio's eyes.


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Also thank you for reading this fist part I hope you have a good day!

Love Chi


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