Part One

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"Oh darling, I can't believe it! You're so old now! Look at my little baby, going off to college! And such an expensive college, too."

Logan let her pinch his cheeks for the first time in a long while. "I know, Mom. I'm sorry about the cost, but it's worth it. This is Sarah Laurence! One of the best colleges in the country! And I'll text you, I promise."

"You know I can't get the hang of that newfangled technology. Just promise me you'll call, ok?"

"I promise." He hugged her one last time and walked away from the beat-up old Honda into the thick crowd of bell hops and new college students.

"And don't get into trouble!" she called after him.

He didn't look back, just raised one hand in response to his mother's warning.

Logan weaved his way through the crowd, trusting the bellhop to take all of his stuff up to his room. He was halfway to the magnificent European-style doorway when someone crashed into him, sending him sprawling to the ground. "Oh!"

"Are you okay?" a female British voice asked.

He looked up to see a stunningly pretty girl standing over him. "Uh..."

"Are you okay?" She pronounced every word slowly now, trying to get him to understand.

"Oh. Uh. Yeah, I guess I'm fine..." He scrambled to his feet.

"Oh good." She held out her hand. "I'm Nicole."

"Logan." He was still staring at her, and she was starting to get a bit flustered.

"Anyway, I'd better go. Nice to meet you, Logan." She walked away, leaving Logan staring after her like a dog left at a shelter.

"Bye then...Nicole." Still slightly dazed, he made his way to the doorway and walked inside of the giant castle-like building that he would spend the next few years living in. He was quickly shaken out of his Nicole-induced state as the crowds surged around him. Despite being a private school, the crowds in Dorm B of Sarah Laurence College was closer to a mosh pit than a school. He squeezed around people and found himself right in front of the large desk of the dorm master.

"Well hello, sir!" The she looked up from her paperwork, smiling at him. "New student?" He nodded. "Ok then, what's your name?"

"Logan Collins." His mouth was dry. This was, as they said, 'the beginning of the rest of his life.'

"Ok Logan. Here's your key." It was shiny and silver, with the room number carved into the top. "Your room is on the ninth floor, last one on the hall. Room 935. Your roommate isn't here yet, but he should be soon."

"Ok. Thank you, Ms...?"

"Mrs. Howlter, but call me Tabitha. And you're welcome. I hope you have an amazing year at Sarah Laurence!" Logan walked away, and another student took her attention.

Logan reached the ninth floor, breathing hard. Wow, Dorm B sure had a lot of stairs. He made a promise to himself to find out just how many stairs there were. There were endless amounts of screaming college kids bouncing around the hallway. Someone was playing music, and it reverberated off the walls at an even louder volume than the students.

"901, 903, 905.." He counted doors. The hallway seemed to go on forever. He was starting to get a headache from the noise. "929, 931, 933, aha! 935." He took out his key and tried the lock.

It was a nicely furnished room, with a tiny kitchen and bathroom. There were two big closets in the left wall, and two twin beds on the right. Part of the reason he had chosen Sarah Laurence was because the rooms were so nice. There were other reasons too, mostly consisting of the food options, but he had been very impressed by the rooms on his visit.

All of his luggage was up here, directly outside the closet. Logan sighed. There was so much stuff. He might as well start unpacking now.

Three hours later, Logan was done unpacking. His roommate still wasn't there, and it was almost ten pm. He could hear parties going on all over campus, but he just wanted to sleep.

He started to change into his pajamas when the door opened and his roommate walked in.

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