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'Hello everyone, today, I decided to combine the two most requested challenges. But I need a friend for those and that why I asked the lovely *drumrolls* Hermione Granger from HermioneBooks to join me!' Harry says  and Hermione jumps in front of the camera.

'Hey Youtube!'  She says excitedly and her frizzy curls dance up and down when she sits down on the chair next to Harry.

'This is going to be the first Harry vs Hermione and I'm very excited to beat you!' Harry says confidently and Hermione rolls her eyes.

'Don't be so sure, I'm totally going to beat you, I've a lot more brains.'

Harry grins.
'Oh but you don't need your brain for this challenge, this is more... Physical, and you need a flexible tongue.'

'W-what?' Hermione asks confused.

'Are you ready to lose all your dignity?'

'I thought we were going to do some quiz, what are you talking about?'

'Oh no, have you never watched one of my videos? We're going to wrap each other in wrapping and draw each other with our mouths, that's what the internet wants.' Harry says apogilatically, or at least, he tries to.

'You must be kidding me.' Hermione says flabbergasted, but Harry shakes his head, amused.


Hermione seems to have an internal fight with herself, but sighs after a few minutes and gives in.
'You could've told me that before!' She says and glares at Harry, whose grin only widens.

Harry stands up and grabs two rolls of wrapping paper.
'Red or yellow?' He asks Hermione and Hermione grabs the Red one out of his hand, still glaring at him.

They stand up and Harry counts till three.
'One...two...three.' He says and they both start to quickly remove the plastic from the roll of wrapping paper.

Surprisingly, Hermione is the first one to attack Harry with the paper and winds it around his chest and upper arms, so that he can't properly move his arms anymore. Of course he could just rip it in half, but Hermione prevented that from happening by wrapping a whole lot of duck tape around it.
Harry lets out a victory shout when he also managed to tear the plastic from the wrapping paper and he starts at Hermione's legs, so that she can't walk properly when they have to draw each other.
Hermione now only has access to the back of Harry's head, so she wraps the paper around his head which startles Harry, because he has suddenly taken away his sight.
The alarm that says the time is up goes off and Hermione hops to the paper That sticks against the wall.
She shoots a quick look at Harry who grunts irritated because he can't see, and starts drawing the contours of his face in shaky lines, because drawing with your mouth is a lot harder than it looks.

By the time Harry finally managed to find the paper, Hermione lets out a victory shout and hops a circle in joy.

'I won! I won!' She sing excitedly and Harry rips the wrapping paper from his face.

'You cheated!' He argues but Hermione just laughs.

'You never said that wasn't allowed! I won! Seems like I not only beat you in brain games, but even in things you're supposed to be good at.' She says proudly and Harry groans and turns to the camera.

'I guess it's 1-0 for Hermione then, click on her face to check out her channel, if you like clever and funny review to books and click on my face if you want to see more videos like this. See ya later!' Harry ends the video and walks to the camera stopping the recording.


When Hermione leaves an hour later, Harry crashes on the couch to watch a movie, something he does a lot since he moved into the flat he lives in now.
It's quiet, living alone after growing up in an orphanage with loads of other kids.
He misses the whispering voices at night and the shouting during the day, he misses the little kids who always asked him to come play with them and to tell them stories, he even misses the kid in the room next to him who listened heavy metal at full volume till three o'clock.
He thought he would welcome the silence with open arms, but he feels very alone every day.

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