Stupid Telivision

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          "No..........*click* no........*click* nO.......*click*" Romano began to fume from agitation at the television that had nothing good playing on it. "*click* OH FOR FUCK, WHY IS THIS STUPID *Makes loud angry noise before throwing the TV remote at the door*" Naturally Spain heard the ruckus from the other room and came in to investigate. "Lovi what is going on in here, and why is the television remote broken?" Romano just stairs at the TV angrily fuming. He didn't need this shit right now. It has already been a bad enough day. And It all started when he woke up.
          <Romano shifted in his bed that he shared with Spain, but this morning it was empty. He opened his eyes and looked angrily at the spot. "That stupid bastard" He sat up and looked around the empty room. Very empty. His usual dirty and clean clothes weren't sprawled on the floor. "Fucker" He grumpily stood up and marched over to the dresser that was specifically for him. Opened it. And found all his clothes. He blushed a little. "I didn't ask that idiot to fix my stuff" He grabbed a basic button up shirt and jeans and went to the bathroom for a shower. He turned the water on, undressed, and got in. Then he screamed in pure shock. The water was freezing. "MOTHER OF HOLY FUCKING THATS COLD!" He readjusted the water until it was better. When he went to reach for his shampoo it was empty. He forgot to ask Spain to get more. "Dammit." So he grabbed Spain's. It was normal and dull and not as pretty as his but it would suffice. When he got out and went to brush his hair it took forever because it was tangled to no end. "This is bullshit!" By this point he was furious and just put his clothes on and walked out.>
          And that all lead up to him now sitting on the couch angrily. "Lovi what's wrong? And why is your hair such a mess?" Receiving no response he simply sighed and grabbed a brush and the detangle spray. He sat next to Romano and got to work on his hair. "Well it's not as bad as it looks" He smiles trying to cheer the angry little man in front of him up. "Whatever" Romano huffs out, not admitting that he dose indeed feel a bit better. In fact admitting such a thing could encourage Spain which could indefinitely have the side effect of making his day worse, somehow. "There! You look so handsome with your hair all brushed out!" At this Romano blushed but covered it by yelling, a talent he is quite good at, so it just looks like he's angry. And not flustered. "Sh-shut up stupid!" The Spaniard chuckled and Romano forces himself to look away. But Spain simply turns his head back towards himself so that they are facing each other. "Romano don't turn away from me. Please." But in retaliation the young Italian looks away refusing to meet his gaze, knowing that if he did he would not be able to look away. A motion that causes him to think to himself.
          How did he come to.... no he couldn't could he? But it could be.... no not possible. Romano feels puzzled, and he glances at the Spaniard holding his face not being able to resist the temptation. And in that moment when he looks in his eyes he feels it. Love. Something that's always been there. Something he tried so hard to ignore or not admit to. And its there. And before he can stop himself two simple but big words slip out. Into the open. "Ti amo" He immediately panics and the Spaniard in front of him looks almost shocked. Never before has he heard the words said so casually from this young mans mouth. And before the Italian can escape the man across from him envelops him in a hug. Its not a tight hug, and not a loose hug either. Its a gentle hug full of warmth and compassion. "I love you too Lovi" It came as a soft whisper in the Italians ear but he heard it. And he felt it. "Stupid" He said this but yet he didn't pull away from the hug. Instead he embraced it. Not realizing how much he actually needed one today. And for that moment at least everything seemed perfect and as it should be. And his bad day seemed to turn good.  

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