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 ( This is a request by:

    I got to choose the person on Undertale to ship with the reader, and I just adore Flowey, so there you go. I bet there aren't even many people who like him but whateves. Enjoy if you're reading )

     You skipped to the door of your friend, Frisk. You were so excited to hang out with her again, and possibly get a look at Flowey again. You never told your friend that you had a small crush on the flower. I mean, how silly is that. Papyrus, she could understand. Even Temmie, but no, it's Flowey. The one creature that tried to truly hurt Frisk in the past. Only, why? Is it because of how cute he is when you and Frisk embarrass him? Or is it because of his philosophy of life? Either way, you have fallen for him.

    Heh. If you told him your feelings, he would probably laugh in your face. You can't let him know. You shook your head and continued to the door, knocking. Soon, Frisk answered and greeted you happily, letting you in. You walked in.

   "How are you today?" Frisk asked.

   "I'm great! How are you?" You replied.

  "I'm great. Flowey just gave a bit of trouble as always. But it's fine. Mom just finished making Cinnamon-Butterscotch Pie! Want any?"

  "You know it! Let me just wash my hands." You said, walking down the hall to the bathroom, Frisk went to the kitchen. While you were walking, you heard Flowey in Frisk's room. You blushed and took a peek in the door. There was Flowey in his pot, complaining about how pink it is. Flowey turned around and noticed you.

  "HEY! YOU! What are you doing spying on me?!" 

 You blushed, "I-I'm not spying on you!"

  "YES you are! I saw you! Get in here!" You listened and walked in.

 "What's up, Flowey?"

 "I smell pie! I want you to take me to the kitchen!"

 You smirked, "But Flowey, you've been a bad flower."

 He blushed, "SHUT UP! I said take me to the kitchen!" You giggle and pick him up, takes him to the bathroom to wash your hands and take him to the kitchen.

  "Don't think I asked you because I like you or anything! Idiot! I just want pie!"

 You blush, smiling, "Anything you say, Flowey." Having confidence, you lean down and kiss one of his petals. He blushes hard and starts stuttering.


 You giggle, "No reason."

 He blushed harder as you both enter the kitchen, muttering, "Idiot."

(DONE! I know it wasn't much, just a little promt. I hoped you guys liked it anyway! )

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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Idiot- A Flowey x Reader one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now