~Gone Part 1~

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(Quick AN here- I'm using a bit from another fic I wrote over on Deviantart: http://lbgt-venturiantale.deviantart.com/art/P-I-E-Fanfic-Nightmare-555087443 )

    "Nnnmm... no.. J-Johnny..." Ghost was tossing and turning in his sleep, having yet another nightmare. He'd had quite a few as of late, caused by his whole ordeal with being a puppet and drifting through the various dimensions. Jimmy also wasn't letting up much with his attempts to possess Ghost, which certainly wasn't helping the poor 28-year-old's sanity. Ghost was asleep on the couch, close to the edge. Toast had fallen asleep on the chair nearby, but began waking up upon hearing Johnny's soft whimpers.

    "Sir?" Toast questioned sleepily. Yawning, the black-haired brit sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. He turned to Ghost, sighing and realizing that he must be caught in another bad nightmare. "Johnny, wake up.. it's only a dream.." he cooed, hoping the brunette could hear him.  He walked over and shook the younger boy by his shoulders, the sun peeking through the window curtains illuminating them.

    "Mnnhh.. N-no," Ghost murmured, eyes still closed as he was shaken. "I.. c-can't..." He whimpered once more, eyes closing tighter. He curled up against Toast's chest, the latter sighing and gently embracing him. Toast noticed he was trembling a bit- it must've been a riveting nightmare.

    "It's okay, sir.. I'm here, nothing is going to hurt you," Toast said softly, gently rubbing Ghost's back. It seemed to help calm Johnny down, the shorter one now breathing calmer. Toast smiled to himself, glad that he'd been able to help with the nightmare this time. On most occasions Ghost woke up with a choked scream, crying loudly until his partner was able to calm him down. Ghost let out another small whimper as Toast gently picked him up, bringing him toward their bedroom.

    The day before had been very straining on the two, but luckily had nothing going on today. They'd be able to- well, Ghost would be able to sleep for as long as he needed. The day previous, Acachalla had called them in for yet another mission, and the duo had narrowly escaped. The ghost, Katrina, had them cornered until Jimmy nearly came out, scaring her away. It was a miracle that nobody got hurt- namely, Toast. The brit didn't fear Jimmy nearly as much as he had before, however, because he reaized that the 'world renowned murderer' wasn't nearly as big of a hotshot than he seemed. He'd found excuses as to why he couldn't kill Toast on several occasions, leading Johnny to believe that Jimmy was fond of him. But either way, whenever Jimmy came out, it took a lot out of Ghost- which was clearly why he was deep in sleep currently.

    Ghost was laying peacefully in Toast's arms, beginning to drift back to a calm sleep. Toast smiled lightly, placing him in their bed and covering him up. "Sleep well, sir.." he said quietly, swearing he saw a smile appear on Ghost's face. He walked out of the room, taking one last glance at his crush before closing the door quietly.

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