Chemical Fondue

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He had been transformed from a scrawny, sickly boy into a well toned man with a clean bill of health. He had punched Hitler so hard in the face that he swore he turned the Nazi dictator into a diehard American. He had joined the Avengers and fought in New York with every ounce of justice in his strong frame. And yet, he could not face the greatest challenge before him:

Tony Stark.

Tony Stark owned the world's most successful technology company. He was a genius, philanthropist, playboy, and Iron Man. He drove Steve absolutely insane at times and yet, the star spangled superhero adored it. He couldn't exactly pin when or why he started to admire Tony, but after all this time, it didn't seem to matter. Maybe it was the way Tony selfishly sacrificed himself to save Earth at New York and how this mere act showed Steve that there was a man of justice beneath that suit. Or perhaps it was how, after New York, Tony gained a weakness which made him appear more human and less of a money toting robot. Steve had known about Tony's panic attacks and while he was not happy that he experienced them, Steve felt a much stronger connection toward the man. The war wasn't too kind to those at his sides and he had witnessed soldiers exploding into shell shock. At times, he would even find himself crumble and endure it as well. Never before had he admitted any of that to anyone and perhaps, one day, if he managed to gather any strength or trust with Tony, they could talk about their breakdowns.

But when that day would come, Steve had no idea. Every time he would try to attract Tony's attention, his words would catch in his throat. The words wouldn't tumble out naturally like some cascading waterfall. Rather, they would just rot in his mouth until his throat ran dry and he would suddenly start to worry if his breath reeked. He would then proceed to another room, avoiding any eye contact with Tony. It made him blush terribly and mentally chastise himself for acting so foolishly and nonsensically. Yet he couldn't help it.

It didn't help that Tony kept him up at night either. The mere thought of the man ran through his mind thoroughly, as though his brain recorded every single trait and trace of Tony. How he smiled when an invention succeeded and how confidence seemed to burst from him, how his eyes scanned everything as though his brain were a super computer, and how the very sight of that man made his heart stammer. Steve would usually fall asleep into the late hours of the night, wondering exactly how he could possibly go about talking to the man about these feelings.

One morning, something seemed different in the Avengers Tower.

Everyone had gone about their own ways that day, leaving Steve to do as he pleased. Natasha and Pepper were off on a shopping spree in the heart of New York. Bruce and Thor had asked Steve if he wanted to join them on their excursions, but told them he would go with them on another day. They accepted his answer, knowing that the man probably had something to do, but what they weren't certain. As for Hawkeye, he was out gazing about the city in different heights. Some days he would roam the streets, but most of the time he would recline on some sky high building without a care in the world.

Tony didn't mention where he would be on this particular day, but it didn't take a genius to conclude that the man would be locked up in his lab. It was a shame that the man always seemed to be in there at all hours of the day and night. It was as if the tower meant nothing to him, but a vessel for food and science. Tony could live in the lab if he wanted to. Many times, Steve had seen him enter his lab and never leave, believing he fell asleep while performing some task. The man was a workaholic and could not be torn from his labs as though they were his lovers. But even Steve knew that the man needed a break sooner or later. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Plus overworking one's body and mind would lead to some regrettable results. What lied within the Stark labs though were the cornerstones for Stark Industries. Without them, Tony would be nowhere and out of the loop of modern technology (most of which he invented).

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