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Drews POV
'breathe , keep breathing Levi , you can do this just stay strong . You can fight this cancer I know you can !'
It had been months since they said there was nothing they could do anymore , I guess he had given up . And lost all hope , the state he was in just now just now was depressing.
Seeing your soul brother practically dying infront of you and there nothing you can do that's what kills you. Not the countless night of screaming or the sleepless nights but the ones where he can't even put on a smile , they are the ones that really kill .
'I really don't know what to do anymore'

Levi's POV
'Another day in paradise huh drew?'
All I could do now is fake a smile and get on with it maybe in my final hours I would pull through.
All this would seem abnormal to anyone but to me this is ?life it will either make me or brake me and by the look just now it's only going to brake me . There is no hope . Drews eyes aren't full of life anymore they were the only thing really pulling me through but to see the colour drained out of them is killing me too , yeh it might kill him to see me not smile but to see me smile have you out on a smile yourself ?
I guess I will try and sleep these thoughts off because they will be he death of me.
*falls into a deep motionless sleep*

Drews POV
Drew: are you sure there's nothing you can do to help him ? Please I'll pay for everything
Doctor: Drew it isn't about the money anymore the cancer has progressed into his lungs he will be dead within the next day . MI'm sorry but there's we can do now.
Drew: So that's it your just going to give up , leave him to die ! You's need to save him . You's can't let him die.
Doctor: Go get some rest you've been in here for days
Drew: I'm not leaving him alone
Doctor: He won't be alone , Austin and Nate have arrived I've been told by reception , now please go get some rest and come back tomorrow
Drew: (mutters:'If it's not too late')

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