At The Age of 21, everyone receives a weapon that embodies them perfectly.

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It's one minute till the exact moment I was born

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It's one minute till the exact moment I was born. Soon, I will finally be 21 and receive my weapon. My older brother got an axe, my mother a sword, my father a scythe. The anticipation is killing me.
I scrunch my eyes shut and feel a weight in my hand. There is a beat of silence, and then....laughter?
Confused, I open my eyes and look down, only to be greeted with shock.
A fucking box of ammunition. I got a BOX OF AMMO, WITH NO GUN!
you've got to be kidding me!
I took a deep breath before stomping up to my room, ignoring my families cries.
The next week, I met up with Jess, my best friend since highschool. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have at least a bit of a crush on her...ok, I've been head over heels since the first school dance, when she danced with me after that jerk, Dan had left me for some ditz. Today was her twenty first, and since her family couldn't make it due to weather, I was going over to her house. She had laughed her ass off when I showed her my "weapon", but I still wanted her day to be special. When I arrived, she opened the door and dragged me to the living room. " You're late! Ames, this very important moment is only five minutes away! DO YOU KNOW HOW STRESSED I AM RIGHT NOW?!"
Unaffected by the usual antics, I simply held out the tray I was carrying. "I brought cake"
Going still, Jess immediately apologized, proclaiming I was "the best person to exist ever in existence"
Chuckling, we sat down to wait. Soon, the countdown began, and she closed her eyes just as I did. I watched in awe as a dark blue, swirl covered pistol appeared in her hands. I didn't know much about guns, but I could tell my friend had lucked out. She squealed with glee the moment she saw it, dragging me out to the yard to test it.
Jess aimed, put her finger on the trigger, and
Nothing. No bullet whizzing by, no bang, no holes appearing in the tree used as a target. Just, nothing.
Now, my friend seemed as dismayed as I was when I received my ammunition.
Wait. Jess got an empty gun....and I was given bullets. Quickly, I whipped out the box of multi-colored bullets, and held out a handful to Jess, who was near tears. Understanding immediately, she opened the gun and loaded the barrel with the bullets. They fit perfectly. Snapping it shut, she aimed again. Before pulling the trigger, however, she took my hand, leading it to grip the gun's beautifully carved handle along with her.
the gun fired immediately with a bam, the bullet flying through the air. A trail of rainbow colored light followed it like a tail, and when it hit the tree, it let out a hiss and exploded into millions of colors, like a firework show on the fourth of July. Mouths agape from the spectacle, we turned towards each other.
"That. Was. AWESOME!"
Laughing, we fell onto the grass, embracing at the luck we had. Then, suddenly, Jess stopped. Confused, I met her gaze, filled with happiness and....adoration? Love? It was the same kind of look my parents gave each other every morning when they kissed goodbye. Taking a chance, the biggest risk I had made all my life, I leaned forward, only to be met halfway with a kiss, a touch of soft lips against my own.

"And that, kids, is how sparks LITERALLY flew when your grandma and I first started dating."
The children laughed, our daughter shaking her head at my story. She's heard it a hundred times over, but our little angel grandkids never got sick of it. I smiled, taking my wife's hand.
Little Janey grasped the hem of my skirt, looking up at me with big eyes "Grammy Amy, do you think I'll meet my soulmate when I get my weapon like you did with Grandma Jessy?"
Pulling the young girl onto my lap, she giggled. "Just maybe, darling. Maybe"

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