The Jones Family

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"Ouch get off me!"
" No it's mine"
All I seem to hear and have to put up with all day! Mum goes to work and I get left with these monsters! 8 little squirts running round shouting all day.
"It's mine!" Lilly tell Joe to stop, it's my book" Notice that I'm the one they call for! Mum won't get them into school. She says it's not right for their health and minds. I was at school and I used to love it and I get pulled out by my mum as she needed a babysitter so she could go to work.

I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers all with different dads and 2 adopted ones and i love them all to pieces and so does mum!

In our house there's never any piece it's just a load of kids running round screaming and shouting all day! It's like Kindergarten. Our house is a mess and as soon as I clear up it's a mess again!

In my family there is 6 girls( including me) and 2 boys. The youngest is Harry and he's 2. He loves peppa pig! Then there's Louise and Holly they're 4 and they're twins. They love ballet but they wanted me to tell you they hate Brussel sprouts. Then there is Charlie he's 5 and he's adopted. He is really shy! Then comes Lisa and Emily and they're also twins and they are 7 and love pizza. Then there is Ellie she is 10 and loves dogs. (She is also adopted). Then me, the oldest of them all! 15 years I have been on this world and I have 5 years of peace until these came along!

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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