Chapter 1

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It was a pale morning, the princess was staring out the window looking out at the world, which she would love to see for herself. She heard the door open; the sound slapped her back into reality. She turned her head slightly only to see her dear friend standing in the doorway.

"Lucy, is there anything you need?" Juvia asked. Lucy wanted to say she did, there was one thing she dreamed of was leavening the castle and see the outside world but she was forbidden, she let out a sigh.

"Lucy is everything ok?" she said in a kind tone. She looked over and gave a small smile. "I'm fine, Juvia" she replied. Juvia knew something was wrong and before she could say anything, Leo the king's servant walked in.

"Sorry to interrupt, But your father wants you to meet someone," he said.

Lucy looked at him "Ok, I'll go see my father" She said frustrated. She tried not to look gloomy, she knows what her father has planned, and she didn't want to marry someone she doesn't love. Juvia smiled at her contently. "I'll get you all ready to meet him, ma'am"

"Good, I better go inform the king that you will be coming shortly". Leo said as he walked out the room.

"Juvia, you don't need to call me ma'am, I'm ok with Lucy!"

"I only said that because Leo was in here!" she sighed.

"Would you like me to come with you, the king may set up a first date and me being your friend..."

"Wait is this because you want to see the prince?" Lucy asked.

"Well, yes you know how I am when dreamy boys come over!" She said with a grin.

"Yes, we all do!" Lucy let out a sigh and remembered all the times that her father friends came with their sons!

"I don't even want to remember what you did!" She said relieved. The two girls then burst into laughter.

"I should get you organized now!" She said.

The two girls were walking down the hall, they both stayed quiet, Lucy was looking out the window looking at the world she'd love to see, she sighed and looked at the floor with a depressing look, Juvia saw that and tried her best to lift her spirits.

"Lucy, maybe it's not that bad, maybe this is good you can finally see the world liked you dreamed, and maybe you will like the prince!" she assumed. Lucy tried to smile but she knew even if she does like the prince, her life was already chosen for her, she didn't even want this she didn't even want to be a princess anymore, she knows what she cared about, it was never the money or the dresses it was all her friends.

"You're right but I may not like this life they have chosen for me; I wish I could change it." Lucy let out a sigh.

"We have arrived!" Said Juvia. They reached two big doors.

"Are you ready?" she didn't reply, she just pushed the doors open and walked inside.

The king was talking to the other king as he saw Lucy and Juvia walking in the quickly stopped talking and looked at her.

"Oh, Lucy this is the king of the Far lands, we were just discussing the dragon that keep's attacking us" Lucy gave him a smile and Juvia gave him a bow, the king bowed back.

"It's very nice to meet you, my name is Silver," The king said, at that moment the king's son walked in, Lucy looked at him and smiled, Juvia saw him and went bright red and turned her head away.

"This is my son, Grey!" Juvia bowed trying to hide her red face.

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Lucy" she said

The Princess and her dragonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz