Chapter 1

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you stared from the shadows as the boys you grown to so dearly love tease each other and by that you meant laito running around teasing kanato about his bear making the poor purple haired kid cry
"give it back!" young kanato yelled unhappily making laito laugh
"come get it then!" he teased running making you sigh and step out of the shadows
"boys" you said smiling making the boys look at you
"yes [y/n]-chan?" they asked in unison
"please quit fighting I hate it when the boys I love fight" you said smiling taking the teddy from laito and handing it to kanato
"thank you [y/n]" kanato said smiling as he ran off
you smiled before looking at laito "run along now" you said as you playfully shooed laito out of the kitchen making him laugh as he ran towards the garden
"what would I do without my boys?" you asked yourself still smiling like the goofball of a butler you were
*present day*
yep those were the golden days when your boys weren't teens and they still remembered you and didn't think of you as nothing but another servant and were still innocent not rude, sarcastic, and sadistic
you smiled at the memory from that day when they were young but soon frowned as you heard yui their poor sacrifice run down the stairs yui was actually the only one in the manor who treated you nicely even though she's scared slightly of you but hey at least she payed attention to you
you were caught out of your thoughts as yui ran up to you shaking poor sweety one of them must have really scared her
"are you ok miss yui?" you asked politely like a butler should making her calm down slightly
"y-yes i'm f-fine" she said clinging to your shirt as she heard laito come down from the stairs smirking like always
"bitch-chan why did you run from me?" he asked pouting
she hid further in your shirt silently asking for help
"master laito I politely ask you to leave this poor maiden alone she's been through to much already today" you said making laito frown at you
"fine but next time she won't be able to escape~" he sang as he disappeared
"thank you [y/n]-chan" yui said as she ran off probably to her room leaving you smiling slightly as you went back to your duties

The forgotten butler (diabolik lovers x butler!male!reader x male oc's)Where stories live. Discover now