Chapter 1 school time

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Today is the first day of highschool and Sky was ready she got dressed and ate breakfast and walked to school. She saw a lot of groups like nerds,jocks,musicians,and the cool girls. Sky was thinking while she walked what if a cute boy asked her something? Or the cool girls asked her to be in the group? She had a lot in her mind when she arrived she got her time sheet and went to the auditorium for the school meeting of the first day it lasted an hour and after that she went to her first class, math her teacher was Mrs. Perch. But mostly all her classes lasted an hour so when school was over she walk to the library to do some homework but then after that she went to the park to relax she went on the monkey bars and then she slipped. Cody McKew caught her (one of the jocks) she was speechless because he was so CUTE!!!. Cody said are you OK? She said "y-y-y-ye-yes" Cody put her down and said "be careful and I'll see you around".

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