His Butler, Persistent

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When one's given too much time to think, other things come to mind. Things such as regret. How pathetic it is to look back at a decision and wished to have taken a different path. If I plan to leave this world free of it, I must occupy myself at all times. However, pointlessly gazing out a window is getting me nowhere at the moment.

Yes, I'll adimt. The view was indeed quite lovely. Emerald green leaves decorated slender branches that almost seemed to reach up towards the heavens. The faint singing of birds blended in perfectly with the wind rustling the leaves acquainted with the sound of the running stream nearby. It was proof that nature creates its own harmony.

Although, I still found it oddly quiet. Almost too quiet.

The obnoxious cries of Finny didn't boom across the manor. Nasaly screams weren't emitted by a clumsy maid and soon followed by a loud crash. I most certainly didn't hear an explosion come from the kitchen.

Chaos suited me and without it, my mind was the only thing in chaos. Normality always was boresom to me anyways, even though some peace and quite was nice for a change.

Sighing softly, I turned around. Only to find my butler standing in the doorway. I jumped back slightly, startled by his sudden, unexpected presence.

"Do I have to put a bell on you now?" I scoffed, still feeling the light thud against my chest.

"My apologies young master. It wasn't my intentions to startle you." The demon replied in the same smooth, silky voice as always.

"Yeah, yeah..whatever." I muttered softly and maintained the authority in my tone.

My gaze was now focused on him, trying to find a reason for him to be present. It wasn't like him to just poof out of nowhere without the slightest warning.

Clearing my throat, I spoke up. " Stop wasting my time and tell me why you're here. I was quite busy until you interrupted me."

Sebastian entered the room suspiciously, a hand behind his back. What in the devil was he hiding from me? 

"Master, I'm very sorry once again to interupt you. You were so preoccupied with staring out that window, I should've known better."


"Stop apologizing like a goon and explain why you're here already. It would be quite embarrassing if I had to make it an order, would it not Sebastian?"

"Indeed my lord, it would be. However, as asked of you, I'm here because I scraped up enough free time to make you a cake." Sebastian replied as he revealed the hidden item.

So that's what it was, a measly cake.

"You're a fool Sebastian. Pointlessly making cakes when they're not requested of you." I sneered, averting my gaze back to the window.

"I'm a fool only for you sir."

My eye widened in shock from this response. The statement was indeed true but very unexpected from Sebastian.

"What a ridiculous statement. Perhaps I should give you more work from now on so you don't have enough time to waste it on catering."

"So you don't want the cake?"

I could hear the slightest sound of disappointment in his voice as he asked this.

"No, I don't. What about my "appetite" you're so worried about all the time? It would be a shame if you'd have to cancel din-"

The grumbling of my stomach interuppted me before I could finish. A grin tugged at Sebastian's lips, knowing he would be the victorious one here.

I emitted a soft sigh of defeat. "Just go ahead and give me the cake."

A\N: I'm trying my best to stay in character and not make them OOC. How am I doing so far?

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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