Live Guilty or Die Proud

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Chapter 1

America has changed since this time. I’m not so sure I should be telling you this, but I just can’t help it.  Everything is just so different I don’t even know why I am here except that I was sent from some friends. As your time goes on I know more of what happens in my time.  You probably don’t think this now, but in the 31st century everything is pretty much like it is here. You might think there are hover crafts and time machines everywhere in my time, but no. my father is one of the few he made a time machine and made a hover craft. Not out of metal and technical items, but things he found in a junk yard.    

            His time machine was actually made out of a telephone booth, pool noodles, and even a radio! He didn’t use it to go really far back he only used it to go into the future no more then ten years and back in time no more then ten years. The thing is, though, when I was in seventh grade some really bad things happened. You probably won’t believe me, but it was the beginning of World War III! Yeah, it happened over one-thousand years after World War II.

            It stared before I was born, when my forty-year-old father was five. The military kept losing many men, so they had to deploy they took boys and girls from the ages sixteen-to-thirty. Eventually they went up to forty. When I was in sixth grade it went down to thirteen, but only for boys. They have just now changed it so that girls can get deployed! There is probably a big question running through your head, isn’t my father forty? How come he isn’t deployed? The answer is simple. He is the government’s best scientist, and when he took his eye test he had a stigmatism, so he has to wear glasses.

            After I turned thirteen I was having a sleep over with my girls. I got a letter in the mail. It was my deployment letter. The girls I was having a sleepover with had gotten the letter the day before. When I told them I thought they would be a little happy that we wouldn’t have to leave each other, I just wanted to see my brother again, but they didn’t want me to feel the pain of war I still don’t understand why. Eventually, while we were playing Truth or Dare they dared me to go in the time machine and visit the year they put in. I didn’t want to chicken out so I agreed. It just so happened that the year they put was 2136. It was the same month and day, so now I know what happens on that day and time in my time and this.

            If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t like stories that go back and forth now would be the time to start liking them ‘cause I guarantee this one will be different then the ones you have heard about or actually read. Well, before I tell you the story you might want to know names. Hum. Well let’s see, my name is Olivia Clair Eis, my best friends are Jay Lynn or Jay, Melissa or Misted, Brook, Kay Zee or Zee,

Brylane or BB, and Delanie or D.V. and… Oh! Can’t forget my brother Alex or as I call him Aliepocolypse just kidding almost everyone calls him Ale.

October 15, 2137

            The alarm buzzed. I wok up thinking I was back home. I just had to walk out the front door to remember I wasn’t in the 3066.Of course I’m in the 22nd century. Ugh. The air wasn’t as pleasant as back home. It was rustier and… oh it rained last night. Of course I get to walk around in the damp air getting splashed from little kids jumping in puddles. This was not my definition of a vacation. Even though I didn’t have to go to school. Oh yeah, I still have to figure out a way back home, yay. 

            Well, this will be fun I guess. I walked around the town for a little bit then I decided to go back to the house. After I took a nap I realized I just had to sleep and then I knew what was happening back home I started writing this of course. Well now I guess you realized I haven’t really stared to write the story yet so I guess I should get to it. Oh and by the way this won’t be jumping back and forth I’m just staying in 3066. So, here is the real story.

            It was the day after I got my deployment letter. I was with Jay, Misted, Brook, Zee, BB, and D.V. and we were on our way to the deployment office. We handed our letters to the lady at the desk. Almost all of us got directed to different doors. Jay to one with Doctor written above it, Misted and BB to one with Navy over the top, Brook to one with Air Force, and D.V. and Zee to one with Army on top. I alone went to one without anything written on top. In the room I walked into I saw a binder that said Sign In. I opened the binder and looked for my name. Next to my name there was another name Yana. I looked at the top of the page and it said the column was for an allies. I also grabbed a name badge with my full name, age, rank, and allies.

            I walked through another door. A man in uniform looked at me then yelled, “Cadets! In line!”  I ran into the line, “you are all unique to this organization.” He stopped in front of me and glanced at my name badge. “For example. What makes Miss Eis more talented and needed then others is that she is extremely flexible and very agile. She is also good at sneaking out and around,” he said in his gruffy voice then walked down the line.

            The only thing that bothered me at this moment was the fact that he knew so much about me. I had never heard of him before and he didn’t seem to know who I was until he spoke. He was looking at me now. Just looking. I needed to say something, but what? I just stood there unable to speak in fear of saying the wrong thing. “Uh I didn’t know you had any clue who I was. How do you know so much?” I said quickly.

            “I did not tell you to speak, Miss Eis. We are going to need to improve your obedience. Now for your question I will answer that. I know who everyone of you is and what your talents are. I also know who your family and closest friends are. These are all details I need to train you. Some are just complies that help me know what to teach you others are so I am able to train you. Before today I studied up on every one of you and mesmerized your faces. I cannot remember every detail though I will always know Miss Eis for she stuck out of all of you and something about her I took a liking to. Do not be offended if I make favorites and enemies. The enemies are to toughen you the favorites are just how I am. Okay I have introduced myself now it’s your turns. Let’s start with you Miss Dupree.” He said to what I thought was an approved comment.

            This Dupree girl just so happened to be a girl I recognized. She went to my school and it was almost impossible to not know who she was. She had choppy brown hair, brown eyes and an unforgettable smile. Not in a bad way but a good. Her smile was beautiful. Honestly, I was jealous of it! I hated my stupid little braced grin. Now that I was in the military, though, the wires would probably be pried off.

            After a few seconds the girl realized he told her to introduce herself so she spoke, “My name is Isabel Dupree. I’m 14 years as of four days ago. My brothers and father are already fighting but all with the Air Force. I don’t know why I was chosen to be here I don’t think I have any skills the military would want.”

            “Thank you Miss Dupree. Miss Eis you’re next.”

            I looked at him thinking before I spoke, “My names Is Olivia Eis. I’m 13 and I have an older brother in the Army. My dad is a prized scientist and I guess I was chosen because I have extreme flexibility and I have agility like no other.”

                        “Thank you Miss Eis. Next- “after I spoke I didn’t really pay much attention just stood and listened to nothing. Finally he told us to break and I went over to a bunk and layed on it. I wasn’t very tired so I read for the next hour before I was called away to train. I was a little nervous for training. What kind of things was the general going to teach us?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2011 ⏰

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