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So as a writer and reader, I only write/read teen fiction (mostly contemporary YA, teen romance and friendship drama) and murder mystery/psychological thrillers (mostly about killers, disappearances and a body showing up dead somehow)

So then I thought. . . what if I have a group of people who helps me write a book with short stories about each genre?

An anthology is a book collection that consist of poems and music, nowadays they're used for short stories too. The moment I heard of what an anthology is, I've been interested in writing one, I started one for myself but I would love to write one with fellow Wattpaders for Wattpad.

See, I never read any dystopian novels—except Divergent, I got really bored— sci fi, historic, non Fic or fantasy novels so I'm branching out a little.

If you're interred in being a writer of a short story for this anthology, then that's great! Just follow these rules:

So here's a list of genres you can chose one to write a short story on—if you chose the genre, comment on that line.

Step One: Chose a Genre

- TeenFic

- ChickLit

- Romance

- Sci-Fi

- Dystopian

- SongFic

- FanFic

- Fantasy

- Historical Fantasy

- Historic

- Paranormal

- Epic Poem

- Action / Adventure

- Humor / Comedy

- Vampire

- Werewolf

Step Two: Solo or Round Robin

Configure if you want to write it yourself or find yourself a co-writer(s), who knows maybe you can find a fellow Wattpader who wants to write a dystopian short story like you and maybe you can collab, but it's also fine if you want to do it yourself, more creative if you do.

Step Three: Prompt

Now that you chose your genre and whether or not you're going solo or collaborating, you get to chose what you want to write about.

i.e: for a person who chose FanFic, maybe they'll want to write a Harry Styles one-shot or a person who chooses Romance would write a short story about two people falling in love

I'd be writing a Mystery/Thriller short story so I'm going to write about something that includes a murder, possibly a court case with it

Step Four: The Writing Process

Now you have everything, it's time to write!

There's no specific word count, it's a free write. Although, the only restriction is that it needs to be from beginning to end and it shouldn't have a ending that leaves the readers questioning, just go straight to the point.

There's also no deadline, if you're willing to join, you can spend days, week, months, years writing this shorty story and it's okay, we all know the writing process and wanting everything to be perfect

Step Five: Published!

At this point, everything's done: you picked your genre, your writing position, something to write about and you have already finished writing it, what now?

You can email your short story to @/ At this point, you're giving me permission to use your short story for the anthology, but the chapter of your short story will be dedicated to you—it'll be written on my main account humblebeez96.

I would read it, upload it, dedicate it to you, the boom, you're officially a writer in the anthology.

Now there's one problem, I don't know what the title should be so I'm leaving it up to you guys to come up with a perfect title :)

If you have any question, you can always PM here or on my main account. Happy writing!

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