The butterfly

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"Come on Asami,hurry up" Aiko said. They were walking through the woods to go to a party at Akihiro's  house. "Aren't you scared" Asami said nervously. At school everyone tells stories about how people walk in and never come out but Aiko didn't believe that. She pulled Asami's  arm and dragged her through the woods. "Hooo Hooo" All the noises of animals and nature whistled though the trees. "Aiko don't you think this is creepy?" Aiko didn't know what to think she to busy focused on the scenery."Hey  are you listening?" Asami asked. They were half way to the party until."Kush" the bush rattled "swswsw" there was a whisper. They hid behind a bush looking cautiously. There was a person and something glowing along the grass. They watched closely to see what was going on. The girl had something silver, it was a butterfly a glowing silver one to. Aiko got up and started walking."What are you doing" Asami whispered.Aiko didn't care she kept walking until."Who's there" the girl said. Asami was hoping Aiko wouldn't  say anything but unfortunately she did."Hello"...

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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