First Day

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"oh god first day of school this is gonna be horrible"i say

"Hello Echo"??? says ,wait i remember that voice i turn around and see Skyler.

"SKYLER" i yell, i laugh and we walk into the school and i see a boy in a jacket with his mouth covered and tell sky to go on without me and i walk up to the boy and he turns around

"oh hi I'm new" he says,

" I am too" I say, and we start chatting and then Skyler runs up with a face i well know...

"WILL" i shout, and he hears me and runs to hug me and i run to hug him

"um sky and will can you go some where else for a bit" I say with a smile and i sit back down next to the boy and i find out his name

"My name is Blitz" he says and i say my name

"Mine is Echo" i say,

then i get a phone call and start crying and hangs up and i make a sprint to the stairs and run to the roof and go to a corner of it and cry and sky,will,and blitz hear me crying and run to the roof and sky hugs me and they all ask what happen and i explain then i say

"m-my Father died"i say,

  sky lets go of me and blitz grabs me and hugs me tell i stop crying and will runs after sky and i just sit there and cry my heart out until i fell asleep while blitz was still hugging me and not letting me go and he sits with his back to the corner where the walls met and falls asleep with me on him and i wake up in his arms and just stay there for a little longer till he wakes up and he did and he wakes me up and i stand up and he does the same and

Blushing i say,"Th-thanks for that" and

he says blushing to"No problem" and sky and will come to the roof laughing and they said they took pics of us while we were asleep and put them on the Lovelycraft Instagram and everyone on Lovelycraft saw the picture and we blushed and both ran to his dorm and locked the doors and i hugged him and he hugged back we unlocked the doors after a little while and came out and he went to the lobby while i went to the roof and drew the sunrise the sunset and the moon and the stars and he saw me asleep on the roof and saw the pictures in my hand

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