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I was born in a normal family, raised to be a human being with morals. We did not have much, but what he had was enough for our living. We were happy with our small family.

I was just going home from school, i did not know what was going to happen to me afterwards. Someone took me into a car, along with the other children. Yes, those kids were going to have their organs sold in the black market. I did not know what to do, i figured out a way to escape.

I almost manage to escape, they saw me and tried to get me. Until a bunch of people shot them, they took me and the other kids with them instead.

I felt indebted to them, and they asked me to be one of them. I asked them why, they said 'You have a brilliance hidden inside you that we could see.' And i did not understand why that could be the reason why he took me to be one of them.

Some children also joined us, but until now, they did not know for sure about what happened to the rest of the children that were taken along. But the numbers of organs that we sold increased after that, probably our seniors were taking the role from our previous kidnapper. They were too happy with their money to know about them, and even to remember their home.

But now here i am, i could not escape, i could not object, that was what they do and i just follow them.

"You still owe me 1500 euro, dickhead!" A man shouted to another man in the background while i was on my laptop waiting for the internet to connect to the deep web. I watched them slamming a wad of cash on the table, the other one laughing in a frustration. I have no interest on those games, there is a chance of me getting really fortunate or losing so much money. Although i can use probability in my strategy, believe me they were also good at those. I said that kind of thing was not my thing.

This kind of game was usually played during the nights. Not always, because some of them need more money after they lost theirs weeks ago. I had done those before, i lost 2100 euro the last time i gambled, what a waste. I prefer a promising activity that guarantee me a big pile of money, not some based on fortune game.

"Ed! Bring your nerdy ass here! It's your turn!" Another man said as he smacked the table telling me to play, and that moment i twisted my eyes for the hundred time, they have never had enough of dragging me along.

"My turn? I'm not playing and i'm not done with my shit yet." I used my job as an excuse, I turned my head to stare at the laptop and try to ignore them.

"Come on, just tell us you got no money, coward!" The man pushed his chair away from the table and walked towards me.

He pulled my collar and clenched his fist, lifting it up getting ready to punch me. I took a wine glass on my table and break it at, pointing the sharp edges at him.

Just when it was going to begin, someone entered the room and called me out.

"Eduard." It was our boss, he has some muscles and tatoos hidden behind his suit. He has something to talk about, and that was for only for me to know, probably about my next mission.

I got the hands that were pulling my collar off and put the broken wine glass back before i walked out of the room. I closed the door and followed my boss to hear the detail.

"What is it, boss?" I asked quietly.

"I'm going to choose you for a mission, and make sure you won't fail." He said, even though he had not said it yet.

"What kind of mission is it?" I asked him, he took some papers from a folder and gave it to me.

I looked at it closer and read it, It said in this mission i have to be a private teacher for a heiress, in order to get a family treasure valued ten million euros. They would pay me one million in return. Although it was rare for me to be signed into this kind of mission, my job usually about running the deep web.

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