Chapter 2

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We stood there for a few minutes just watching each other. Until I broke the silence and asked him why he had a painting of me when we hadn't met yet.

"To be honest I don't honestly know I just had a dream one night about this beautiful young girl and I decided I was going to take her so I wouldn't forget her face but I can see that that's not going to be too hard," he said giving me goosebumps.

"You had a dream about me can I ask what it was about or am I prying too much," I said with a soft voice.

"How about we go for coffee tomorrow and then I will bring you to the Mansion and let you see my collection of Motzart," he said. I smiled.

"Sure, I guess but what about the dream," I asked. He smiled Beautifully.

"I'll tell you tomorrow over coffee," he said. I nodded.

We made our way back to the party and he gave his speech. The entire time he was looking at me and smiling. But I knew exactly who Lex was, a billionaire.

My dad was a billionaire and he shipped me off to martial arts school in the metropolis when I was 14. I was there for three years went back to Dad's stay for a year then he shipped me to Smallville to manage my money right. He knew about a secret but told everyone it was for my good the reason he shipped me off to manage my money.

"Did anyone think it was strange that Lex was staring at Ebony the entire time," Chloe asked. I didn't say a word.

"Yeah Lex rarely smiled when giving a political speech," Clark said.

"Leave them alone, they are both entitled to like who they want," Lana spoke.

"No Lex and I just met in his office while I was snooping, I saw a painting of me, and we talked," I said. Clark didn't like that.

"He had a painting of you," he said, "He had never even seen you before tonight."

"Ebony, Clark is right that's strange," Chloe agreed.

"He saw me in a dream and painted me to remember my face," I said. They looked at each other.

"Makes since he has a lot going on the stress could be causing the dreams," Chloe said.

"But why Ebony, I mean she hasn't even been here that long and has never seen Lex, if he dreamed about her, isn't that a sign," he said. I was confused.

"Oh my gosh Clark, you're right, Ebony, Lex is the one," Chloe said. That was confusing. I didn't comprehend.

"Huh," I said. Chloe looked at the rest of the guys. They knew my secret.

"He is the one who will help you, or destroy you."

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