Tyler stormed out of his back door, slamming it as he ran out into the bitter autumn air. His floral-patterned scarf, draped loosely around his neck, fluttered lightly behind him in the wind as he ran towards the woods. His eyes stung with tears that threatened to spill over and he wanted nothing more than to be alone and in the peace only nature provided him.

Approaching the mass of dark, dead trees, he stepped in fearlessly. Ignoring the branches that scratched at his face, the mud that squished up onto his already dirty black sneakers, and the brisk breeze of the season, Tyler marched on. He stopped only to free his scarf from the tree it got caught on and to sit in his favorite spot: the serene clearing in the center of the forest.

Brushing leaves off of his sitting stone, he sat down on it, resting his head on the damp, earthy wood of the tree growing beside it. Closing his eyes, he let out a sigh.

"Who is Blurryface and why does he want me dead?" His whisper echoed through the clearing. "Who is Blurryface and why does he want me dead?" His voice grew louder, still trembling from the tears in his now open eyes.

His next words were shouted, loud enough to where anyone in a mile's radius could hear him, but he didn't care. "Why does he want me dead?" The rhetorical question ended with a broken sob as Tyler finally gave in. He let his mind take him, let it tear him apart. He leaned back, shaking almost violently as he choked out another cry.

Tyler Joseph was broken. He had been that way for as long as he could remember. He couldn't recall a time where he didn't feel on edge, or paranoid, or afraid of himself. His entire life he was running from his own thoughts but was too afraid to confide in anybody. He was getting low on hope, wondering if having two faces was what he was going to deal with for the entirety of his life.

After what felt like an eternity, he rubbed his bloodshot eyes, sniffled, and stood up. After brushing the dirt off of his tight, ripped jeans, he began to slowly walk back home, humming softly to himself as he stared down. He watched his shoe-cladden feet step on front of each other as he created the melody, putting notes together to form an elegant sound. A soft smile graced his pale face as he sighed contently and stepped back into his house.

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