Chapter 1

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"Potter! Weasley! Will you pay attention?" Professor McGonagall yelled at us.
Ron and I were having a sword fight with some of Fred and George's fake wands while we were waiting for the bell to ring. I dropped the rubber haddock that was in my hands and turned my attention to her.
"Now that Potter and Swedish have been kind enough to act their age," she stared at us. "I have something to say to you all. The Yule Ball is approaching- a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above- although you may invite a younger student of you wish. Dress robes will be worn and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. Now then the Yule Ball is a chance for us all to- er- let out hair down. But that does NOT mean that we will be relaxing the standards of behavior we expect from Hogwarts students. I will most seriously displeased if a Gryffindor student embarrasses the school in any way."
The ball rang and everyone gathered their belongings and started leaving the classroom.
"Potter, a word. The champions and their partners-"
"What partners?" I asked her.
"Your partners for the Yule Ball,Potter. Your dance partners"
"Dance partners. I don't dance."
"Oh yes, you do. That's what I'm tellinh you. Traditionally the champions and their partners open the ball."
"I'm not dancing."
"It is tradional. You are a Hogwarts champion, and you will do what is expected of you as a represntative of the school. So make sure you get yourself a partner, Potter."
"But- I don't-"
"You heard me, Potter."
With that I left class and caught up with Ron. Up until she said that I HAVE to have a date to the Ball, I was planning on going alone. I was so caught up with my thoughts that I didn't even notice that Ron was talking to me.
"Oi, Harry are you okay? You seem as if you just saw a banshee," Ron said after he punched me in the arm.
"Er, yea. Why did you punch me so hard? That hurt,"I said to him. I rubbed my arm where he hit me.
"Why did McGonagall want to talk to you about?"
"She said that the Champions open the Yule Ball and that we need to have dates for it," I said thinking of who I could take with me.
"Blimey. That's not fair. Just because you're a champion, doesn't mean you should have to go," he replied.
"Actually it does, Ronald. Harry can't just go with anyone, it has to be someone. I'll meet up with the two of you later I have muggle studies to get to," Hermione said as she left down a flight of stairs. I watched as she turned the corner before following Ron to the Divination for double period.
As classes ended for the day Ron, Hermione and I were sitting in the common room finishing some homework for Divination, Astrology and Transfiguration. I was in the armchair by the fire and Ron was in the sofa taking up all the space. Hermione was sitting at a table behind me with stacks of books surrounding her.
"Harry, what do you think of this? I'm my orb, at midnight, I saw a great big eye over my mum and a my dad in a muggle restraint ordering a butterbeer with some fire whiskey," he asked. He didn't want to really do his Divination homework so he was making something up to get out of doing it.
"Good, or you can wait until midnight and actually do it," I said to him.
"Great, well I'm off to bed. I have to write to mum for some new dress robes," with that heheaded up the staircase to our dormotory. I turn around to Hermione who was writing down her prediction for Astrology.
"Hermione, how many scrolls did your professor ask you guys to write? You have almost three scrolls already," I asked her with a small smirk. Even though she was focused on her work, she still laughed.
"It is supposed to be two scrolls for our prediction and one scroll for our observations, but my prediction is so detailed that I need three scrolls. Are you waiting for midnight to do your work?" She asked me.
"Yes because we need to go up to the Astrology tower and do it there. Professor Trelawney will be there giving us passes to miss our first class tomorrow and get some sleep. That means that I get to miss Potions with Snape."
"My professor is doing the same. Does Ron know about this?"
"I don't reckon he does. All he heard was to get some extra sleep and miss Potions. I don't think he heard the part before that."
"I can't wait to see his face when he turns up late to class and he doesn't have a pass. Snape is going to at least give him two weeks of dentention and if he is lucky, it won't be with Filch."
We both laughed and waited until 11:30 to start heading up to the tower. I grabbed my belongings and went up there with Hermione. She had her bag full of books and different scrolls for her classes. All I had was my orb, three scrolls of parchment and my quill and ink. While on our way up we ran into Rita Skeeter. Great just the person to stop us. I would rather have been spotted by Snape.
"Harry just the person I was looking forward to seeing. And Miss Granger. How lovely. Are you two out on a midnight date? How lovely. Now can I get you two to hug eachother for a picture,"she said in her usual annoying voice. As I was opening my mouth to say something, Hermione pulled my wrist and dragged me away from Skeeter. As we rounded the corner she slammed me against the wall.
"Blimey, Hermione. That hurt," I said to her. I rubbed the back of my head where I hit the wall.
"Shh. Harry you can't go saying things like that to her. She could turn around and use it against you," she said to me in a hushed tone.
"But Hermione, she is just another person that wants to know how I feel about my parents death. Besides she is just as filthy little stu-"
"Harry! Yes I know. I feel the same way about her. You have to keep your temper around people like that. You can't upset them, and you can't satisfy them either. They could use it to their advantage."
"Okay. Can we go now? It's nearly midnight and we need to get up to the tower before then."
"Yes, come on. I can't fail this assignment" She said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me up endless flights of stairs.
When we got up to the tower the whole class and another were there waiting for midnight. Professor Trelawney have me my pass for tomorrow and I started my orb gazing. Truly I was making everything up and I had waited this long to get out of class with Snape tomorrow.
When everyone started heading back to bed, I packed my stuff and waited for Hermione. When I looked for her I saw her sitting at the edge of the railing, dangling her feet off the edge. I walked over to her and sat next to her.
"The sky is so beautiful at midnight, and I never really see it back home with all the street lights and house lights being on," she said. She laid her head on my shoulder and I looked up at the sky.
All I saw was darkness with a bunch of lights everywhere. Whatever she was seeing was oblivious to me.
"I see it all the time on Private Drive," I say to fill the silence. She just laughs and shakes her head. I smile and get up. "Well I'm going to bed and sleep. Goodnig-"
"Wait for me, Harry. I'm coming to." She got her stuff and we went to the common room.
"Night Harry," she said as she walked into the girls domotory.
I went into an endless sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Credit to J.K.Rowling for her words and characters.
Only my fan fiction.

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