Chapter 4

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The next morning my alarm went off, at exactly 9:15. I had fifteen minutes to get ready. Lex would be here at 9:30. I slept great but I should've set my alarm earlier.

I dug through my clothes and found a cute sundress. It was white with blue and purple flowers. I put that on and found some white sandals. I put those on. I brushed my wavy hair and pulled some of it back. I applied light eye shadow. I was ready. After getting my handbag, which was, white, I ventured down the stairs.

It was 9:26 and no sign of Lex. What if he stood me up? What if this was all a scheme? It had me worried. So I sat down at the bar where Lois was serving people.

I kept thinking to myself, he wasn't showing up. Then I'd tell myself to shut up. Waiting for Lex, was intriguing. I loved the suspense but I hated the wait.

"I'm looking for a beautiful brunette, her name, is Ebony," Lex said behind me. I turned around and there he stood with a grin on his face, wearing a tux, with a blue tie.

"Lex you made it," I said, standing up.

"Yes, and I was fortunate enough to get a parking space, the town Is in an uproar today," he said. I smiled and giggled at him.

"So, let's get our coffee and discuss the suppressing matter," he said making me giggle again. He was so cute. Like a stuffed ready bear.

"Two steaming hot expressos. One just a regular, the other," he looked at me.

"Oh um, mocha, please," I said making Lex smile.

"Coming right up kiddos," Lois said smiling at me. Of course, no one liked Lex but it was just one of those things where he never dated a regular.

"Here ya go," she said handing us the coffee. We moved to a table beside the door.

"So you dream about me," I started but he finished.

"Right, so a few months back I had a dream about a beautiful young woman, she um, had this distressed look on her face, almost as if she'd been hurt," he paused to take a drink of his coffee and I did too.

"So, um, she was calling out for help, and I just happened to be there, and I came to her but when I got there she was passed out on the ground, in an alley," a pause again. I grinned.

"Well, to get to the point, a man was standing behind her, I grabbed her before he could get to her and took her home," another pause, "She woke up, in my bed, and I was beside her, holding her."

"We didn't-"

"No, but when you woke up you said something about a locket, the guy wanted your locket," he said. I still had it that didn't make sense.

"I'm pretty sure I still have my locket," I said.

"Yes well you worried about that necklace, must've been important to you, or had value," he said.

"My mother gave it to me before she died," I told him trying not to get emotional.

"I'm so sorry Ebony," he said with a sentimental look.

"It's okay what happened next," I replied to him.

"You looked over, at me, and told me," he paused, "You told me that you needed me to stay, with you."

I smiled but at the same time felt like I shouldn't feel that way toward him. The way he looked at me was like none other. And I was so happy with him. I didn't want to do something that might end in heartbreak.

"But on that note, the last thing I remember is that you reached out for me," he said smiling and sipping on his drink.

**We went to his mansion. His place was even more beautiful than before without the decorations. He was so kind to me. He was so rich but so nice. I understood why people liked him, in some ways they did.

He showed me his records and played the piano for me. He was great. I loved hearing Mozart done by someone else. He was the greatest piano player yet. I couldn't get over it.

"So I was wondering, what's it like being rich," I asked.

"It's, not everything that they think it is," he said. That was shocking.

"Why is that?"

"Ebony, have you ever felt like you have everything you want but something is missing," he asked I nodded.

"Love," I said, " I wanted to be loved so long I forgot what it was like to be loved by someone."

"What about you're father he's alive isn't he," he asked. I nodded.

"My uh father he shipped me off to martial art school at fourteen, I came back at seventeen and shipped here at eighteen," I told him.

"I didn't know I'm sorry, I guess we both have issues with our fathers," he said sympathetically.

"Yeah I guess," I said trying to keep my emotions locked away.

His study was large, I could get lost if I didn't know where I was going. I watched as Lex moved closer to me. He was trying to be sympathetic to me.

"Ebony, if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you, trust me," he said. I grinned. Then he said something that made it hard for me to say anything.

"You and I need each other."

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