A special birthday party!

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Sakamoto x Girlfriend!reader

I've just seen the first 4 episodes and well, the lack of x reader content is frightening thus I made my own! My lack of knowledge is horrible, please do understand.


Just an ordinary day in school, lunch time to be exact. Sakamoto of class 1-2 was being his cool stylish self, something his classmate Kubota had noticed though was a small notebook that stuck out of his bag when he left. Sera, the blond bee, noticed this too and decided to take it.

"Hey! We're not supposed to do that!"

"Do what?"

The two turn to see the three delinquents who so happened to be just around the corner.

"We we're just looking at this little planner Sakamoto-kun has."

"A planner?"

They take a closer look and saw that there was a page that was neatly folded so that some if its side came out and noticeable. Taking a closer look it was labeled important, now they got curious.

They opened the planner and saw a note on mm/dd which was tomorrow, it read:

Important. Birthday. Celebrate alone.

"Celebrate alone? What does that mean?" Mario asked.

"We shouldn't be looking at Sakamoto-kun's things! He might get mad-"

"Maybe it's Sakamoto's birthday and he has to celebrate alone!" Kenken shouted, loud enough for the entire class to hear.

"I don't think-"

"Sakamoto-kun's birthday?" Aina suddenly popped in.

"That's right!" Acchan finally spoke. "Sakamoto has to spend his birthday alone, but this time it's gonna be different! We're gonna celebrate it together!"

The class heard this and started rambling on and on about it.

"That sounds great!" Girl 1 said.

"Kyaa~! A day with Sakamoto-kun! And it's his birthday~!"

The girls and even some of the guys squealed in delight.

And thus, this is how Sakamoto-kun's birthday planning started. They of course had to keep it a secret from Sakamoto-kun since it's a surprise party so after class Acchan and his gang decided to take the task of finding out where Sakamoto lived, and when I say take they REALLY took it.

So they followed Sakamoto all around town and saw him be the cool guy he is with tasks and what-not, causing the gang to admire him more.

As they followed him they stopped at a building, Sakamoto then went to the second floor of the apartment and entered the door in the middle of the other five.

"There it is, that's his house." Kenken commented.

"Sakamoto's house..."

"We better get moving now, Acchan! You know Sakamoto, he might see us any minute now!" Mario reminded.

The three then left after that and reported to their classmates and thus the plan commence.

----Next Day---

The last few period of class the students had convinced the teachers to stall Sakamoto with tasks as they go to his place to set up.

Once they got in the house they took a good look around Sakamoto's living space, the walls were painted creamy white around the big family sized living room, there was a nice kotatsu in the middle of the room, a tv in the left corner next to the big windows and to the other side of the left corner was the kitchen and a bar counter, left of the kitchen is a hallway leading to three rooms and to the right are book shelves with books and knick-knacks.

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