I love you

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🎀Chapter 1🎀

Chloe's POV

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I looked at my phone and saw a text from my TWINNE paige. (💄-Chloe. 💍-Paige.)


💄- ok ill be over in 5

~end of convo~

I wonder why she needs me. I pack everything I need and run to Paige's house. I knock and I keep knocking and I don't realize someone opened the door till they grabbed my hand and said "chlo you don't need to keep knocking" I look up and saw josh. 😍😍😍yes I have a huge crush on josh. But I know he doesn't like me were best friends I could never tell him I like him cuz it will ruin our friendship. When I look up we lock eyes then I hear Paige scream "CHLOE!!" I blink a couple times then run up stairs. I go in to Paige's room and slam the door. 💍Why did u slam the door? 💄I just had a moment with josh and u ruined it 💍oh sorry chlo 💄 it's ok but why did u need an emerge sleepover 💍 cuz I heard josh is having friends over and I heard him talking to Mikey on the phone and josh had Mikey on speaker and I heard Mikey said he's going to ask me out 💄AHHHH OMG 💍I also heard josh likes.... She was about to say when osh came in and said 🏀-josh

🏀Josh likes who

💄-💍 no one

🏀We'll I do like someone😉

After josh left

💍Chloe he just winked at you

💄 I no....

💍Oh and he likes you

💄 Teehee

-time skips to when Josh's friends come-



We get downstairs and we find out we're watching finding nemo


I grab the popcorn and I jump onto the couch. We get to the part when nemo touches the butt.

💄OMG he just touched the butt


I didn't realize that the movie was over cuz I was thinking of me and josh dating😍


💄~throws popcorn~ wat...

💍We're you think of you no who


🏀Ooooo who..

💄😳no one

🏀 Fine lets play truth or dare


💍Ok ill go first josh truth or dare


💍I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Chloe

💄~slaps Paige~

🏀~gets up and pulls Chloe into the closet~

I was about to say something but then josh cut me off by kissing me...

Josh's POV

I know Chloe was about to say something but I cut her off by kissing her. At first she didn't kiss back cuz I knew she was shocked but then she kissed back. Our time was up but I locked the door so Paige or Mikey couldn't come in. They said that our time was up but we kept kissing. I pulled away for a second and said 🏀chlo I meant to tell u this a long time ago but I was to scared to. I really like u no scratch that I love u and I wanted to no if u would be my girlfriend.

After I said that she didn't say anything I was getting a little nervous then she kissed me. 💄Does that answer your question

Then she kissed me again. We walked out of the closet holding hands.

💍Awwwwwwwwww I knew you guys liked each other

I smiled at Chloe and she was blushing. God she's cute when she's blushing. I texted Chloe.

🏀 We should dare Mikey and Paige to do seven minutes in heaven until there dating

💄 Yea you say it


- End of convo -


🏀Mikey truth or dare


🏀I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Paige and you can't come out until ur dating

While they are in the closet me and Chloe make out. 🏀I love you baby girl

💄I love u too joshie

End of chapter 1 comment if I should do chapter 2

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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