Blue Ivy ~Princeton Love Story~

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"Sissy?" Blue whispered.

"Yes blue?" I whispered back while laughing because I have no idea why were whispering.

"Me hungry" She said playing with my necklace.

"Ok, come on" I said taking her off my lap and standing.

I felt her tiny hand grab mine as we walked to the kitchen. I helped her onto the counter so she could see everything in the refrigerator. She pointed to the apple sauce. Cool beans.

I got the apple sauce and opened it. I handed it to her then realized I didn't give her a spoon. Duh. I went an got a spoon. It was completely useless because Blue had already used her fingers.

Oh well. I took the spoon and got some of her apple sauce. she wasn't feelin' it because she hit me and told me "noh".

"Ouch" I said and stuck out my bottom lip.

"Sowie"she apologized and gave me a kiss.

"Thank you" I said smiling.

We spent the whole afternoon being the lazy people we are. Just watching TV and eating. It's tiny things like this that make me so happy that this is my job.

I'm Blue Ivy's nanny and Beyonce's assistant. We never really went over titles so yeah. I've been working for Beyoncé since I was 14. Now I'm 21. I still don't think it full hit me that I work for her after 7 year because I'm still shocked that it happen the way it did...


"Ma'am,excuse me!" I yelled after the lady running.

She couldn't hear me and she kept running. I would have ran after her but I didn't have the energy. I picked up whatever she dropped and when I realized what it was I almost died.

Front row fucking seats to the Beyoncé concert plus, backstage passes. oh lord Jesus. it would be wrong to go but at the same time it would be a good opportunity. I guess i'll go.

Honestly I have no idea where I am. I purchased a plane ticket with the money I had been saving for years leaving me with only $30.05. Taxis were going up and down the busy street ,to the left of me,like crazy. I stopped one and asked where the concert was being held. Without a word he pointed to a humongous stadium.

It was right down the street big and bright as the sun. And I feel kinda dumb for not seeing it. Really I mean if not the thousands of people walking that way then the cars all going in that direction. I just don't understand it. I thanked the man and he nodded.

I walked toward the stadium dragging my feet just thinking. I know I should be grateful for the tickets and the fact that I'm about to see her but think about it. where am I going to go after this. I have no where to go and no one to turn to. I guess I'll just take it one step at a time.

I'm so nervous to meet beyonce. I just need to stay calm and be myself. Wait,what if she's mean or thinks I'm worrisome or ugly! All these thoughts swarmed my head and before I knew it I was in the line with everybody and they mama.

I just played candy crush while I waited. to be honest I don't even know why I'm setting myself up to be embarrassed. I mean I look a mess and I know my hair needs Jesus but what if this is my chance.

What if this is my chance to make something out of my life? What if this is my chance to start over? To become famous? To be rich? I cant just let this opportunity walk away from me. Sooooo dispite the fact I dont look the best... Ill go anyway and act normal. I mean i dont look like i just look like crawled from under my rock and showed up.

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