Tobias and the Mirror of Erised

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The Mirror of Erised. I've heard about it but I never knew the rumours were true until now. Under this cloth in front of me is what I truly desire most. Carefully, the nervous shake of my hand wavers over the cloth and eventually seizes it off the mirror. A cloud of dust engulfs my surroundings, burns my throat, and I start coughing madly. I hope Filch didn't hear.

Once I've recovered, I look and a gasp escapes my mouth as I see who is in the mirror. Obviously there is me: Tobias Eaton. A tall, scrawny boy with brown hair and dark blue eyes. Except something about the boy in the mirror looks different. He looks happier.

Behind him is a man and a woman. The man has a square face and stubble growing on his chin. He has a loving expression as he looks at me and the woman. He looks at them as if they are his whole world and he would do anything for them. He has piercing dark blue eyes, similar to mine, and the woman next to him has shoulder length brown hair and her face is too full of love. She smiles and bends down placing a kiss on my cheek. My hand raises and touches the skin on my face but she's not there. She's in the mirror. I knew both of these people. They are my parents.

But they are not. The way I remember them is that my father's eyes were villainous and evil. And with the amount of love and care I can see in his eyes, you would never think that he would hurt me in the ways he has. Countless times. Ironic isn't it? The person who was meant to guide me, care for me, damaged me the most. The person who should protect me was the person I needed protection from.

I like to think that my mother was like this but my memory of her is faint. She left us when I was nine. She left me alone with him knowing how ruthless he could be. Anger flares up inside me. It's her fault that my father did this to me. It's her fault he stars in my nightmares. The fury in his face when he would hurt me. The sharp words like knives that were cutting me down. It was all her fault.

But with these affectionate faces in front of me I can't help but wonder if this could ever be my reality. If my father wasn't a monster and my mother wasn't selfish. Could this have been my life? Instead of the boy I am - damaged and broken - I could be the boy I am looking at - full of happiness and colour.

"Tobias Eaton, I never thought I'd be seeing you here." A deep croaky voice sounds from behind me. My head whips around in shock and I see Professor Dumbledore stood behind me. I was so engrossed in my parents I didn't notice him enter.

"Professor I can explain I- "I stutter. I had been in so much trouble this year and I don't want Professor McGonagall sending an owl to my father. Last time it was so painful I had couldn't stand properly for a week.

"Tobias, I'm not angry." Dumbledore states very wisely, pushing his half-moon spectacles up his nose.

"Y-you're not?" I say surprised. I didn't think Dumbledore liked me as I spend lots of time going to his office.  He shakes his and I turn back around to look at my new obsession of the loving parents I never had.

"You're giving yourself false hope." He states from behind me and I roll my eyes. He always thinks he knows everything about me. When in reality he knows nothing. Whatever you're seeing might never happen or could be impossible. Many wizards before have, and I'm sure many after us will, go mad from staring into The Mirror of Erised."

"Don't you think I know that?" I snapped. He chuckles lightly, ignoring my anger and walks towards where the invisibility cloak lays. I stole it from a second year, the famous harry potter. He always gets away with stuff and it really annoys me. He breaks every rule in the book and never gets sent to the headmaster's office like I do. He must live the perfect life. I try to help people- yes sometimes it back fires...but that's not the point. Like when these boys were picking on a girl, they hitting her over and over again, threatening to use the cruiartus curse on her-that's when I saw red. I pictured my father when I pounded my fist into his greasy blonde head. But at that moment Professor McGonagall walked in and only saw me. I tried to tell her what happened but she didn't listen and just dragged me by the wrist to Dumbledore.

"You know you shouldn't steal Tobias." He says, lifting up the invisibility cloak and folding it neatly into a pile.

"How'd you know it wasn't mine?" I question, raising my eyebrows.

"I have my ways." He said wisely. "You better get back to the dorms. You need some sleep for tomorrow."

I open my mouth to argue but he gives me a pointed glare. I huff, standing up and brushing down my robes.

I reach for the invisibility cloak but Dumbledore interrupts me. "Not so fast," What now? I ask to myself. "You need to promise you will return this by tomorrow."

"But professor-"

"No. I also don't want to see you with this mirror again. I don't want you getting too attached."

I put my head down while nodding. There's no point arguing with the headmaster. If I get in trouble again I might be expelled- then I'll be stuck with my father forever.

"You have potential Tobias Eaton. Don't put it to waste." And with that He turned to leave.

I took one last look in the mirror at the loving version of my parents. Too bad it will never become a reality.


So, that's it and I'm pretty happy with the outcome. I hope you enjoyed it. ^-^

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