Chapter 6

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I had been living with Lex for a week. He brought me paperwork that needed to be sorted through. He let me take phone calls. It was getting serious. We were doing great. I recently watched the news telling about how my dad, 'Jeff Bronson' had been dating the Kansas Barbie. We all knew she was wealthy.

I made a point to call his company. If I bought out Bronson Technology then all in my favor would be just right. So I was on the phone with a dumb bimbo.

"Look Miss Bronson Luthorcorp doesn't have the instability to buy out Bronson unless there's a great reason that you can sue this company, it can't be done," she said. That wasn't true.

"Look you, bimbo, Luthorcorp has made trillions of dollars buying our billion-dollar companies like yours, I'm not saying your company is short on cash but if your records prove right, your company has lost millions due to refundable purchases made in the last year," I said going over the papers.

Lex walked in with his suit and tie, trying to be as silent as possible.

"I understand Miss Bronson, but we've regained our money by remodeling the products and reimbursing all our stocks," she said, selfishly.

"Really and how did you do that exactly, from where I'm sitting your company doesn't have any lenients, you might want to reconsider before I call back and I assure you I will," I said before hanging up on her.

Lex was smiling from ear to ear. I had already bought two major technical companies this week.

"Ebony, I don't know how you do it, but I'm so proud of you," he said. I shrugged my shoulders. My mini dress, which was teal, kept trying to ride up.

"Lex, if my father owns a million-dollar company and I found dirt, I could buy out the company, but I can't find a single thing, I can't hack into the control system," I said sitting on the sofa.

He joined me with a drink. I took it. Scotch out of rocks the way I liked it. He calmly began talking.

"It's like this Eb, your father paid his debts by taking money from the employees, Chloe could hack into the system for you if you wanted, and you could put your father behind bars," he said. That was an idea.

So I did what he said, I called Chloe and asked for help taking down my father and she agreed as long as she could write about it. Clark even helped out by going into the layer and watching him.

This was going to be fun. And by fun I mean I could exact revenge on my father for sending me away all those years. And there was always someone, who would rip me down.

"Lex," A voice called. We had sitting in the office for a while. I turned to see, Lionel.

"Hi Dad come to give me a speech about how my company's fortune is doing too good for your taste," Lex came back. Lionel stepped in further.

"No son, I came to talk with Ebony," he said. Lex looked at me.

"No Dad, you can speak to both of us since we are partners," Lex told his father. Lionel didn't like that.

"Alright, your father is selling millions of deciphered laptops, in rioted on the files are his, mind control database gadgetry you want him out away I'll prove it, but it will cost you," he said. Lex didn't like this one bit. I could see it in his eyes.

"And what might that be," I said. He grinned an evil grin.

"I want access to all the records on Clark Kent's father Jonathan," he said. What?

"I am not going to do that," I told him. He nodded.

"Dad what do you want with those files anyway," Lex asked.

"Jonathan and his family have been nothing but praised upon, I know there is something about Jonathan that he's hiding from the world," Lionel told him. Yeah, Clark and my, secret.

"Leave the Kent's alone Dad, and Ebony," he said. Wait? He said nothing about me. Lionel noticed my concern.

"Oh you didn't know, Lex paid me off to keep you off my radar," Lionel said. Lex paid his dad to keep me from being followed.

"Dad leaves," Lex said through his teeth.

"Okay son, but I'll be seeing you again," Lionel spoke walking out the door.

Lex and I stood in silence just thinking of something to say. He paid his dad to keep him from coming after me. And that was more than heroic and stupid at the same time. He didn't realize what he had done. Now Lionel could have the upper hand with him. And he would.

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