The Unknown

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My name is Alexia Wilson. I'm in 9th grade going to Bridgeway High. And one more thing you need to know; this isn't your average high school story.


I walk into the cafeteria and sit at a table that is out of range for anyone who wants to talk to me. I'm kind of an introvert. My only friends are computers, and other people who like computers. Kasey and Elle walk into the cafeteria and start coming towards me. They're my friends, but sometimes I can't stand them. They wave to me as they come towards me. I fake smile and wave. As soon as they sit down, I feel the table go down like a lot of weight went on it; because it did. Kasey and Elle are defiantly bigger girls but I wouldn't say anything negative. "So I was scrolling through Instagram and saw that Ava Marks posted a picture with Dean. It had been posted a minute before I saw it and then when I went to take a screenshot, it disappeared. She deleted it because she is still dating Liam!" Kasey dragged on. I rolled my eyes. "I knew Ava was a popular girl who got everything she wanted but I had no idea she would do something like this." I said in my most sarcastic voice ever. Kasey and Elle laughed. "So anyways, why is that a big deal to you?" I ask Kasey. "I don't know I guess maybe it could be used against her the next time she decides to comment on what we're doing or what we look like." Kasey shrugged and took out her brown paper lunch bag. I was thinking about how Kasey said we could use it against her. It gave me an idea. I
stood up from the table really quickly and started walking away. "Um. Where are you going?" Elle yelled. "I have to go to the bathroom!" I lied back to her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2016 ⏰

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