Chapter 8

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I had been working so hard with Lex that I had not been able to hang out with any of my friends from the Talon. So I made plans with Lana Chloe and Lois to go shopping for Lex's upcoming party.

The party was to welcome me to the Luthorcorp team. And Clark said he'd be there to support me. The thing about Clark, he didn't trust any of the Luthors. I did, Lex. I knew Lionel would try to hurt me.

"EBONY," the girls yelled as I came into the Talon. I was excited to see them. Lex had told me to go have some fun. And that's what I planned on.

"It's been almost a month, how's the mansion and Lex," Lana asked. Chloe was ready to jot down notes.

"They are both wonderful, the mansion is quiet and peaceful and Lex helps me so much, he was right, we are great partners," I said. Lois smiled at me.

"Well, Lex is a great guy, I mean, he's a Luthor but he's letting me stay here so, he's great," she said.

After chatting about how wonderful Lex was, we went into Metropolis thanks to my wishes, and looked around at everything.

Lois chose a gorgeous black and silver strapless dress and black heels. Lana spotted a beautiful pink sparkly dress and silver shoes. Chloe stuck with red, choosing a pretty red strapless dress with sequins and red heels. And I had a pretty blue sparkly dress picked with silver heels.

"Girls say this shopping trip was a success," Lana said, as we walked back to the car.

The drive back was, lonesome but fun. I sat with Lana while Chloe drove. Lois complained about her driving so slow. She hated being late for anything. Especially when she had to dress nice. She wanted to be early. As did I but we had like 4 hours before we had to get dressed. And a two-hour drive back to Smallville.

When we got there everyone wanted to go to the mansion to get dressed. Lex was out all day on business, so we had the mansion to ourselves. It was strange that Lex wasn't home all day. He was only on call in Metropolis for maybe an hour.

An hour later we were dressed and fixed up. Everyone but Chloe curled their hair. Chloe had short hair so she put shiny brets in hers. Everyone looked beautiful. Not long after that I felt the presence of someone familiar.

"You look amazing," I heard Lex. I turned to see him in a white suit and purple tie. He looked great also. The girls excused themselves. Lex held a box in his hand.

"I got you something while in Metropolis today," he said. I grinned. He came closer.

"Lex you didn't have to do this," I told him. But I felt him. He wanted to.

"Open it," he said. I took the box from him. The top is raised. Inside was a gorgeous diamond necklace with one random pendant. It was a sapphire stone.

"Lex you shouldn't have done this," I said as he took it in his hands. I turned around for him to place it around my neck.

"For my best friend in the whole world, a beautiful piece of art, and something else," he said getting a smaller box out of his pocket. A ring?

"It's not what you think, it's more than jewelry, it's a piece of me and who I am," he said opening the ring box. Inside was a coin. From the 1800s. It was a symbol.

"This was given to me by someone special and now I want you to have it, partner," he said. I grabbed it.

I went still. Like a vision had been progressing. I could see Lex on the podium. He was giving a speech about, the company. But not ours. My fathers. He was in a black suit and red tie.

"And this is our finest project, on top of Luthorcorp we have the Bronson industry and many more to come. Please help me recognize, Ebony Bronson, owner of Bronson Industries," and when he said that there was a gunshot, he was shot.

"Ebony," Lex said pulling me from the vision. Well, at least we took over the Bronson industry.

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