Chapter One - Kitty's POV

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A lavender haired girl pulled her hair into two pigtails and smiled into the mirror. All of her makeup was completed for today and ready to meet someone. Someone special to her. She looked down, making sure her pointy blue nails were in place and then looked back into the mirror. Her purple eyeshadow and maroon lipstick were purrfect as well. The female grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, entering her dorm room once again with a very mad girl. The girl looked up, almost surprised.

"Kitty, are you going on a date?" the female prompted, excitement buzzing in the mad girl's orbs. 

Kitty sighed and put her hand to her mouth, giggling. She detached her hand and sighed, straightening her posture. "No! I am just brewing up another trick!" Kitty grinned, flashing her famous Cheshire Cat smile. 

The other girl gasped and placed her gloved hand over her mouth. "This requires some tea time!" the other female demanded and took her purple hat off of her head. She was about to shove her hand in her magical hat but Kitty stopped her. 

"Woah, Madeline, this doesn't require some tea time. I am just meeting up with my next victim," Kitty said, moving towards the exit.

"Are you sure? Tea is the best way to make sure your tricks work!" Madeline called out, pulling her blue polka-dotted glove away from her cherished hat. 

"I won't be needing it. I already got luck on my side!" Kitty said and swung open her door, closing it behind her before her roommate could speak another word. 

Kitty pressed her back against the door, covering her face with her fair-skinned hands. She sighed and attempted to grin again, but it ended up faltering. This time, her smile wasn't for trickery or pranks, it was for her friend. Then she disconnected her back from the door and her hands from her face. The fair-skinned student  continued to walk down and finally walked through the school doors. It seemed so lifeless and empty without the renowned students decorating the halls and chattering with delight. 

"Why couldn't we meet in the woods?" a voice whispered, the darkness of the main room of the school shielded her face. 

Kitty turned and waved her hand at the mysterious shadow. "Because I wanted to see the school enveloped in darkness. Wouldn't you, Cerise?" Kitty inquired, flipping on of her lavender colored pigtails back. 

Cerise Hood, daughter of Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, emerged and ambled towards Kitty, relaxed and comfortable. "Honestly, I would rather be in the woods," Cerise answered her friend's question. "It's more pleasant there than in our school with the lights out."

"Fine, we'll go to the dumb woods, for your sake," Kitty breathed out sharply turning towards the door. 

The two females both walked side by side towards the door. Cerise paused and stuck out her hand her fingers grabbed Kitty's hand. 

Together two girls walked side by side towards the door.


Kitty was curled up in a nice mossy branch, looking down at Cerise who sat on a fallen tree. The daughter of Red Riding Hood crossed her legs, looking down at her hands in her lap. 

"What will the school say, Cerise?" Fear crept into Kitty's voice. 

"Nothing, hopefully, it's just treading on thin ice. I am already considered mysterious and freaky why can't we keep this a secret? Also, how do I know you are not tricking me?" Cerise responded, her voice felt like scratches on Kitty's skin.

The daughter of the Cheshire Cat sat up on her branch, her legs dangling off. "What?! I would never Cerise. We have been friends forever and I-" Kitty paused, feeling heat rise to her cheeks. "Love you, Cerise."

The world seemed to stop around them and time seemed to slow just for the two of them. "Kitty, I love you too, but lesbians Ever After High? The storybooks? No fairy tale has ever had two gay characters in them!" Cerise cried out, expressing her frustration. 

"No one will judge. After all, there was that one rumor when people said Raven and Apple were dating, but then Dexter joined in and-" Kitty didn't finish and face palmed herself. "I'm not ashamed of being gay, after all, it's the world of madness!" 

Cerise took a deep breath, about to say something, but she didn't.

"I'm going to do it. It isn't like anyone is going to care!" Kitty hissed, her sleek blue cat orbs glowed with determination. 

Unfortunately, for the two lovely girls, Kitty was wrong.

Fairy wrong.

AHH first chapter of Cerise x Kitty fanfiction!

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Honestly, I didn't ship it at first but as I started to write this fanfiction I am slowing loving the ship more and more!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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