Kiss my eyes

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Chapter 1

 Methos sat on top of a church looking over the city he sighed a few hours ago he has been an immortal living his life, trying to keep his head.

Now he was in a demonic war, with vampires, time lords, humans and angels, he didn't want to say it out loud, to say it out loud would more or likely send him over the edge into madness.

“Methos?” Methos turned seeing Godric, he looked so young he couldn't be more than sixteen, eighteen at a push, “Godric? Right? I'm sorry I’m used to be being able to feel other Immortals when they are near, there is only really Jack and I suppose The Doctor who I can't feel.” The Vampire nodded walking towards him.

“A vampire has the same kind of sixth sense in a way, specially between the Vampire that turned them and a human that the Vampire turns.”

Methos frowned looking troubled has Godric studied him “You seem like a man who has a troubled past, seen the world though eyes of lightness and dark.”

Methos chuckled “Buddy, you have no idea!” Godric smiled softy lowering his head has if in thought before nodding “Yes, Yes I do!”

Methos frowned wondering how some one so young could possible have an idea of the evil that was out there.

He turned round seeing The Doctor watching them “We are heading back to the Tardis if your ready?”

Methos nodded “Yeah I'm ready”

“So what are we?” Damon Salvatore asked has he sat in the Tardis chair putting his feet on the console. “I mean, are we the new knights of the round table or what?”

Dean rolled his eyes looking over at Castiel “Dose he every shut up? Can't I just gank him, please?” Damon smirked widening his blue eyes “But I’m so loveable.” Dean made his hands into fists looking at Damon trying to make him back down

“There will be no ganking or killing or whatever on my ship, get your testosterone in check you two”

Dean smirked “And you get to tell us what to do because?” The Doctor spun a wheel before turning to Dean “Because I'm the driver of this ship and what I say goes.”

Castiel put his head to one side “I believe Dean in your own words, Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole”

Dean turned facing Castiel his eyes wide a shocked look on his face,“Et tu Cas” Amanda, Ianto and Jack laughed before Amanda stood “OK, ok, joking aside really where do we go from here? Do we have a base, some place we can hide out I mean them demons will be trying to find us.”

Jack stood looking blighter than he had in a while “Well, there is always the Torchwood Hub” Ianto frowned joining Jack “But Torchwood was blown up, How can we still have The Hub?”

Jack looked at Ianto winking “They rebuilt the Plass, If we can get back into though the tourist information centre...”

Ianto grinned “I can get us in, I know every way into the Hub, like I said I don't know how many times I know everything! You really should listen to me Jack.”

The Doctor landed the Tardis near the Coal exchange “Best to land here it's easy to hide The Tardis.”

“Doctor, It's 3am there will be no one about” Damon frowned walking looking over his shoulder “Just where are we?”

Dean picked up a leaflet off the floor “Cardiff, there has been a band playing here tonight Blue Gillespie, Hey dude” He held the leaflet to Ianto “The lead singer looks just like you!”

Ianto took the leaflet from him he looked at Dean frowning then shook his head, “No, northing like me" He folded the paper up, putting it in his pocket "This way.”

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