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my name is Amy London,
I'm 14 and I love to read and to watch YouTube. I suffer from panic attacks, and I'm very shy. Zoë, better known as zoella, also goes through these problems, Zoë is my inspiration, she's just so kind and lovely, I can't help but want to be her. I just moved from London in the U.K to New York, the people are so different here, it's so busy and claustrophobic. I haven't started school yet, i already feel like an outsider with no accent. The shops are brilliant though. I've wished all my life for something amazing and lucky to happen to me. I've always been the child who's always last for everything, really unlucky, I forgot to mention I'm a massive klutz😴
anyway I really hope this trip turns out amazing♡
hey, this is my first where story so I hope you enjoy it xx I'll try to post when this gets some likes etc♡

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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