6x01: Answer Me, Please

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I know that I already have a wattpad story like this, but I honestly hated my other story no offense to it. So here is a much better one with better grammar, so your able to know what I'm talking about. Now here we go.

A year later...

The door ajars a bit and a face sticks their head inside the dorm room. "Amy, it's time," the girl expresses with a big grin. "Now don't make me throw up out of the bed."

The brunette occupying the bed let's out a giant groan covering her face with the velvet shaded blanket. The blonde hair girl strolls in flicking the curtains to the side letting the sunshine drift into the room. She grins widely out the window before turning around bending her knees slightly. Her body throws itself forward landing on the tired Amy.

"I told you I would do it. Never play with me, again. Got it?" The girl with the name of Hanna questions with a grin the size of the planet.

Amy shoves the petite body off of her. Licking her chapped lips. "I don't want to get up and you can't make me."

"Is this a challenge?" Hanna inquires letting a smirk appear on her face. "I think I'll accept this one. Amy, I bet that I can throw you off of this bed in about five minutes."

Hanna crawls off of the bed letting her heels hit the wooden floor with a thud. She wipes her hands on her skinny dark jeans. Her manicure hands pull the blanket.


Amy flies with the blanket making her hit the ground with a giant thud. Hanna grins with success leaning down next to an agitated brunette, who was ready to attack.

"What do I win?"

"You win shit for making me hit the ground." Amy expresses throwing her an evil grin. She was silently coming up with a plan in her brain that was including Hanna going over a cliff.

Hanna puts a more serious expression on her face putting her lips together. "Did you call him last night? Is that why your in a mood?" The blonde let's the questions come from her mouth at a fast speed.

She is suddenly rambling about nonsense. Amy clenches the feather pillow until her knuckles turned a little white. She swings the pillow up letting it come in contact with the talking girl. Hanna gasps.

"You did not just throw a good feather pillow at a girl like me and you didn't even answer my simple question. Now I'm suspicious. You did call him and he ignored you." Hanna explains getting the event correct this time. A sad expression comes on Amy's face.

"I don't get it. I haven't talked to him since spring break when I went to California. As soon as I call him John answers not him. What did I do wrong?"

"Sweetie," Hanna starts out with a big sigh,"You probably shouldn't have kissed him that was mistake number one and then after that you wouldn't return his calls until you got back here. So I don't know, Amy, what did you do?"

Hanna has her hands on her hips at this point, fuming at her friend. "He is probably tired of you playing with his feelings for you. If you want him, then freaking go to California and jump his bones."

"It's not that simple."

The blonde flings her hands into the air. "Yes. It is. Freaking get on a plane knock on his door as soon as he sees you grab him and kiss him. Oh and don't forget the part that you say 'I Love You'. I'm getting tired of this and I'm not even apart of this so called friendship or relationship however you look at it."

The blonde looks ready to attack Amy. "Okay," Amy finally let's out answering Hanna's long speech. "What if he moved on? I don't want to bring him back. I want him to be happy."

Amy grabs her phone. "What are you doing?" Hanna asks ready to take the phone from her hand. "You need to surprise him."

"I'm not crazy. I'm not going to say anything about this dumb plan. I'm just calling to talk with John," Amy explains giving her a small thumbs up.

The phone makes a small crack noise. "Hello?" A tiny girly voice questions. "Who is this?"

Amy feels her heart stop at the girly voice answering her ex-fiance's phone. Amy closes the phone with an expression that makes Hanna want to hug her bestfriend. "What's wrong?" Hanna finally asks.

"He's moved on there isn't much I can do anymore."

A tear comes down Amy's face as she leans forward into her friend's arms. "I need him," Amy expresses pulling away from her friend and wiping her eyes that are starting to turn red and puffy.

"Everything will work out," Hanna comforts her friend rubbing her hand up and down her face gently. "Hopefully."

That's the first chapter done. There will be about 24 or 25 chapters to this story considering that is about the amount of episodes per season. I'm not going back into time, so no spring break flashback sorry...

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And LOVE <3 of course...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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