Where am I?

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Justin's Pov;
I walk in a big hall pushing the doors behind me. I've never seen so many people in one room. This isn't a room. It's bigger than what I've ever seen before. There are countless people in this room and almost everyone is staring at me. I see some teachers siting at a long desk, waiting for everyone to settle done. Am I supposed to go them? Where should I sit? Why are they staring at me? I walk my self to the group of teachers siting and they look at me as if I'm a lost bird.

'What's your name darling?', one of  the teachers ask me.

'My name's Justin, Justin Bieber.' I feel my sweat running down my legs. 'I'm new here.' I add
All of a sudden, there is complete silence in the room. Now, EVERYONE is staring at me with confused looks. I gulp down my throat.
One of the teachers, stands up and walks towards me.

'Everyone, this is Justin, and he is new here. I want him to feel welcome to our school. Justin, show us that one spell, that you think can put us all in awe.'


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