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He has woken up into the absolute darkness and he couldn't see a thing. He has tried to stand up, but sudden movement threw him onto the metal ground. He started to grasp all around him to get to know the place. Another sudden movement appeared with a squeaking and his body got shook again once. He kneeled down and grasped around him as his hand hit a wall. Another cold, metal wall. He went round it and hit another wall. Even when he knew, what he was gonna find he went straight again, but ... boom!
,,What the hell ...?" he asked himself and winked, so that he could see clearly. To be honest it didn't help him, but he wanted to see the thing in front if him. As he put his hands forward he found some boxes...wooden boxes, which he didn't open. For his own safety. And also a cage probably or what was it, which was on the top of these all boxes full of who knows what. But on the front of the cage was some cloth. He grabbed it and pulled it down, while expecting a huge catastrophe. But nothing happened. He grasped the cage and in the front was a lock and grid...again from metal. With dried throat he knocked on the cage and wait for three seconds. But again nothing. He found some self-esteem and came nearer to the cage with shaking hands. And as he stood one metre away from it he heard weak scratching. It lasted just for a while not more than a second, but it was there. He kneeled down in front of the cage and waited, so that he didn't recognise he was moving quicker, than before.
,,So let's check the facts. I'm in a metal...prison. And it's shaking sometimes hmm.. Also they've left some boxes probably filled with food right you motherfuckers?! I know you can hear me, so fuck let me go!" he shouted and the metal walls made resonance which sounded like go-o-o-o... He turned round, but suddenly he heard this strange scratching again.
,,Who's there?" he asked with quaking voice and he started to get very sweat. But nobody answered, so he waited for a while till the scratching appeared again. He got terrified this time and he fell in panic, which he tried to hide..
"Woof!.." it yapped at him and he got scared, so that he nearly shouted because of the fright which was controlling him.
,,Hey buddy I'm not gonna hurt you okay? We're all good right?" he asked and the box shook again but this time harder, than before and he fell forward and met the metal grid with his face. And he also saw two big lights, which stood for eyes probably and were looking at him. Then he also saw a queue of white fangs and this time he shouted, but then a red light appeared up. Far away from him but it was coming nearer and nearer very fast..faster than a Lamborghini could go in the max speed. So in fact he should be scared from what was up there more then from this dog. The light was now gal of mile away and on the sides of the box started to appear blue lights, so that he could see what was in it. Wooden boxes with sign 'WICKED's material' were put opposite to him and on the top of them was a cage just as high as normal dog is high. The animal was staring at him with wild eyes and it scratched on the cage again, but he decided to ignore it. When he looked up he found out that the red light was just twenty metres away. They were going to crash into it.
,,No! Help me! Help! Help me!.." he tried to ask for a help politely, but it didn't come. He looked up again and saw the red light just five metres away.
,,No!" he shouted, but in the while he did the box stopped. Very suddenly and he fell down again and his head hit the metal ground. He felt like slowly falling asleep, but then all these lights got shut down and he convinced himself to stay awake. The dog growled and he yapped at him, but then a squeaking sound appeared just as the ray of light did and it was bigger with every second. He put his left hand on his front, because he couldn't see a thing and winked once. Up there, which was like one and half metre up were standing some people...only boys and they were all staring at him with mocking faces. He looked round and saw two muscled boys - an asian boy on the left and a boy with crazy eyebrows on the right side - who opened the metal enter to the box, where he was caught for the as he could guess. The asian jumped in and offered him his stand as a help to stand up. He grabbed it and stood up.
,,Welcome home greenie. What's your name?" he asked and then looked at the others with amused face, which they all had to.
,,I'm.. Well my name is-"
,,Stop is shank. You don't have any. Not now, but that's okay we will find one for you." the asian cut his sentence off and laughed again once. Then he turned round and jumped out of the box.
,,I'm Newt." the boy said and everybody looked down at him. The asian made an eye contact with someone Newt couldn't see from the box and he showed lifted thumb as an agreement. Then the asian boy turned to him and observed him.
,,What did you say shank?" asian boy asked with annoyed and angry voice and Newt repeated his sentence.
,,I'm Newt. So stop calling me shank. Even when I don't know, what does it mean I don't like you calking me 'shank' shank." Newt answered and everybody started to whisper and some words he could hear. It was 'trouble' and 'problem'. He quickly looked at the asian boy and he saw the anger in his face and said just simple...
,,Fuck it.."
,,I'd say." the asian boy answered and he made an eye contact with Newt.
,,Follow me...Newt." he said angrily.
,,Whoa!" some boys said surprisingly and helped him to get out of the box.
,,That was good fight Newt." they greeted him and patted him on his back with surprised faces, but he didn't know, what was going on, so he just followed the asian boy to a wooden house, which was standing in the middle of the ... Well where was he right now? That was a good question, but answer for this wasn't very pleasing, so we will leave it without it for now...

Maze Rules: Welcome Home GreenieWhere stories live. Discover now