What is #UndiscoveredFantasy?

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#UndiscoveredFantasy has two purposes:

· Give awesome writers the recognition they deserve

· Unite Fantasy fans.

For the first point, we all have to admit it: We wished people would give our books a chance.

I mean, it's okay. We all deserve a chance to prove ourselves worthy. But, if we never get that chance? The world will just move on, leaving behind a great author.

We all have talent, in different ways. We should be able to show it to everyone. That's what wattpad is all about.

Still, many of us don't get their chance.

Now don't get me wrong, you guys should write for yourselves, not to get more views or votes, but it's still nice to be appreciated.

That's where #UndiscoveredFantasy comes in.

We ARE NOT a campaign or a movement, just a regular account that wants all the fantasy Wattpad writers to get together.

There will be contests, but that's another story.

We will include any good Fantasy book into our reading list if it has the tag #UndiscoveredFantasy.

For the second point.


It's everywhere on Wattpad. You might have experienced it or not, but it's still there.

It is actually really sad. Let's put a stop to that.

We all love writing or reading or both.

It would be very hard to end all hate, so let's start small.

Fantasy. It's the genre we all love, and we should appreciate it.

I keep saying "we". This thing is formed by only one two users, CamoyPampoy and VanillaCaramelLatte. There will be a contest soon to include more members, but for now it's only us.


Anyway, the contest will start as soon as we get at least... 10 followers. So spread the word.

NOTICE THIS, our contests are only for fun. We'll probably make a book for interviews with the winners, but there will be many contests and you are allowed to enter as many times as you want. We'll state the rules on our contest book.

Well, that is pretty much it, and thank you for reading and supporting!

If there are any questions, leave them on the comments. Soon I'll write a chapter for those.

Again, thank you sooo much!

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