Chapter 1

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I peered out of my window from my bed. It wasn't the nicest day, quite foggy, but it had potential. That makes me sound like a know-it-all. Or a horse seller... I quite like that, but I'll never be one. Cough, cough, thanks Dad. I rolled out of bed (yes, literally) and landed on my oh-so-fluffy rug, positioned carefully so I could fall onto it safely. Yeah, you might (just might) have noticed something: I'm weird. Anywayyyy, you might want to know some stuff about me. Isn't the start of the book when I tell you all about myself, or is that just in recounts? I remember a recount I did in year two. It was about swimming sports and I started it and never finished it. That swimming sports I... Oh. Sorry.. I'll get back to the story now.
My name is Jasmine Gallico, I'm 12 years old, and I have an older sister called Lauren, who's fourteen. Lauren can be quite nasty, or really nice, but she mainly leaves me alone. She's a considered a "cool" kid, and her friends kinda don't know we're sisters. She wouldn't dream of letting her little cliche know that she's related to this... This thing (me). We have two cats, an elderly 17yr old tabby cat (she's gorgeous) who's called Gert. In case you haven't figured, she is female. And neutered, unfortunately for Claude, our black "Labrador" cat. We think he thinks he's a dog, but in reality he's just an idiot. Also known as a tail-chasing, fetch-playing, drinking-out-of-toilet, belly-rub-loving, falling-into-full-baths, feet-catching cat. He will bowl Gert over, and then realise she will probably hiss at him and bat him, and he'll run away.
Right, I need less about Claude and more about me.
Um, so my parents names are Rachael and Peter, aaaaand I like reading. Also, me and Lauren are utterly crazy about horses. We want to live with horses when we're older, and have our first horse by the time we're 16.But Mum and Dad aren't too supportive of this dream. Oh no. We should be doing much more ladylike stuff, like ballet. Urgh! I did it for three years and then quit, after the third year of learning how to point our toes. How exciting. We've started (secretly) volunteering at our local NZRDA (New Zealand Riding for Disabled Association) and... Wait for it... Wait... Get ready... This is fun... Keep waiting... WE ARE LEARNING HOW TO RIDE!! Now that's what I call exciting. The horses there don't exactly get all the exercise they need, so certain volunteers get to ride them. Mum and Dad think we go to our friends, to a netball game, and back to the friends then home. Yeah right. I'd go to soccer, not netball! Anyway, that's what we do every Saturday.
We're also saving up for our own horses. Not sure where we're going to keep them, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I also have my own secret plan, which I haven't revealed to Lauren. I'm planning to run away once I have bought my horse.
It's not a fantasy, because I am.
I will run away.

Ooh, intensity in the first chapter!
I'm going to try update tomorrow night, but may not.
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