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Feower 1

I feel so betrayed, savaged, and stabbed.

For three years of my life all my attention was always stucked straight to Mico Adams. I was obsessed, open, and show to him, I admit. He was my senior on badminton. I fancied all the things he did, even the smallest things he does.

For my perspective, he was stubborn, arrogant, and snobbish towards me. But maybe I was too blind to even realize that I am being a martyr. I never really cared about how he talk about who he like at my face, how he walks away whenever I want to talk to him, and even how he tells me that he would never like me.

I never really cared about those things because I believe that being open to him was bold enough to show and make him feel that I really liked him. But I guess being bold to him is not enough. I was hurt,yes, but still, I did not mind it.

I did not mind the things that my friends blurt about how selfish he was, how I was a waste to someone that was not even worth it. I did not mind all of those of course. I liked you, a lot. No, scratch that, I loved you, so much.

It's true, for a person like me to like you would be such a waste I must admit. You'd never ever find someone like me that could wait, stay, and love you until you say the word stop. But I guess, nothing really lasts forever. Well, I believed in forever once.

Not until, rumors started to go around. Rumors that could break my heart big time. You having a girlfriend for real could really break my heart and you confirmed it, to me. Face to face.

I really tried, so hard to hold my tears that day. I was hurt big time. My hopes for you to like me went down in a flash. O' no, you've already said that you would never ever like me. But I guess, I was too scared to face the reality.

I could never match up with the girl you loved, she was pale, tall, and kind-hearted. Unlike me, I am short, sun-kissed, and bad.

I thought that the sparks that showed whenever our eyes met shook your heart for a bit. Even just a little bit. But I guess, it never did.

Months has passed, I still love you. Moving on was really not an easy thing to do. But something changed.

Something changed inside my body, it's like I never felt the peak of joy anymore. My body don't want to go near to you anymore. And my heart even turned hard, I felt it.

One day, I woke up and realized I don't like everything about you anymore. Whenever I see you, my bitter heart let my mouth blurt out foul words at you.

And guess what? I felt sorry. I thought I had already made myself clear that I've moved on. But I guess, you'd never be forgotten by my heart.

I even hated the idea of it.

But all of that was gone when he came in.

Eahtatiene 2

Ian Jackson, he came in and at first we were just casual friends. Unlike the two of you, you were best of friends. I even knew him before you though. 

He was my colleague, we always bond up together with music jams, edm parties, and casual trips. Ian was family-oriented. To tell you the truth, it was a major turn on. But I guess, I'm still stuck about being inlove with you.

And weird things came in, he took my number, he'd take me out for lunch, and even introduced me to his family. I knew it wasn't just a friendship thing because he started to call me corny nicknames and giving me gifts even if it's not my birthday.

You know, for a year. He confessed to me that he liked me. I wasn't shocked because I was fully aware about what was going on. I must admit that I liked him too.

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