Chapter 1

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Piper's POV

"TRAVIS AND KATIE GET YOUR BUTTS BACK HERE NOW!!!!!" I screamed. OMG they just came in and put itching powder in everything. They also managed to ruin all of my sibling's make up (I don't care for it much) and break Jason's New Year's gift for me that he spent (and I'm not kidding) 3 weeks on. He basically took Katoptris and engraved our ship name, Jiper, into it. (A/N Jiper is just the one I use.) But I can tell he put a lot of thought into it. So you can imagine how I felt when I walked into the cabin and got in my bed, jumped up running around screeching, found my sibling's sobbing in the corner over destroyed makeup, and Katoptris in pieces on the floor. And Katie and Travis outside the window filming it. How did they even get a camera?! " Travis I have had enough of your stupid pranks and Katie, why did you even help him?!" I said. Katie started staring at her feet then very quietly said, "He got me to do it by saying he'd tell everyone I still slept with a strawberry stuffed animal. That may or may not make mooing sounds." I shook my head in disbelief then said, "Well I'm sorry but I'm going to have to punish you. I could see a tiny smirk on Travis' face then simply said, "Oh you don't think I can punish you? Now girls!" The whole time I had been talking to Katie and Travis, my siblings Lacy, Janette, and Kristy had been sneaking up behind them with some magical gold ropes I got as a Christmas present from Leo who had returned a few months ago. When I said now, they tied Katie's and Travis' hands behind them and activated the spell. "Well" I said "Get ready for a punishment that will make sure you never prank the Aphrodite cabin again."

Travis' POV

"Well, get ready for a punishment that will make sure you never prank the Aphrodite cabin again."

Oh no. Piper's eyes have that scary gleam, like that time she charmspeaked Nico into asking Will out then kissing him in front of everyone after Nico had turned all her clothes black. I just really hope that she doesn't make me admit I have a crush on Katie. Cause I don't!!!! Katie is a strict bossy meanie who happens to have soft brown hair, eyes the color of emeralds, and adorable pink lips which look so soft....... Snap out of it Travis!! Like I was saying I hoped I just had to say something like "Piper is way more awesome then me." In front of the whole camp.

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