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My name is Olivia and I'm a 26 year old brunette. First off I must tell you that I have never considered myself a Lesbian or even Bisexual honestly. I say that because I just moved into my new apartment in Canary Wharf, London, where I met my new neighbor and boy, was she hot! She had a great figure, tall and slender but toned, she almost made me physically drool. She was so hot she got me wondering if I'd been playing for the wrong team. 

As I was moving the last of my boxes I saw her go into her apartment and I just loved what I saw, luckily for me on the day I moved in she came over and introduced herself as I caught her eye.

"Hi, I'm Jessica but my friends call me Jessie, I live in 129 just next door." she replied. 

"Hey, pleasure to meet you, I'm Olivia but everyone calls me Liv." I said nervously flashing a slightly awkward smile. I think she picked up on this as she smiled back laughing slightly. 

She also had a great smile to go with her great body, it was official; she was gorgeous. 

"Hi Liv, I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that if ever you need anything just knock, like, if you need sugar or milk or whatever… You never know what you might need when fate calls." she replied blushing slightly realizing what she had just said feeling embarrassed. 

"Ok, thank you Jessie." Not really knowing how to reply. She then unexpectedly gave me a hug, not going to lie it definitely took me by surprise and by the time I realized what was going on and was about to put my arms around her in return, she broke away. 

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little extra friendly." I couldn't help but notice a cheeky glint in her eye. 

"I can see that." I laughed softly looking at the ground, I rose my head, "Would you like to come in for a coffee or anything?" I questioned, suddenly realizing we'd been in the corridor this whole time. 

"Well, I don't drink coffee, but I'd love to come in." she replied breaking the silence, and with that I walked us into my apartment closing the door behind us. 

"Make yourself comfortable, well, as comfortable as you can." Having yet to unpack, all that was in the living area of my apartment was a coffee table and a sofa, the rest of my stuff was still in boxes scattered around the place. "I don't like coffee either by the way, I just thought that's what people offered before 6pm, after then that's when I usually offer myself a glass of wine." I smirked slightly to myself as Jessica looked over at me and smiled. 

"Well it is nasty stuff, that's why I don't drink it at any time of the day, the coffee that is." She replied keeping her eyes fixed on mine. We both laughed before I finally resorted to making us both a cup of tea and joining her in what will be the living area. 

"So what brings you over to these neck of the woods?" Jessie asked. 

"Well, I just got out of a relationship and I'm now financially secure enough to move to Canary wharf so I thought, why not?" I replied honestly. 

Jessie looked up at me from her cup of tea "Your boyfriend?" She asked. 

"How did you know?" I replied a bit more sarcastically than intended. 

"Just a hunch." she replied shyly whilst setting her mug down on the table. 

We made some more small talk and I told about what happened with my ex-boyfriend, she was a great listener, more than what could be said for my ex! It was really nice of her, especially for still basically being a complete stranger who I'd just met. Before I knew it we had been talking for over 2 hours. 

"Shit me is that the time? It's getting a little late now." I said looking at my watch at it ticked past 9:30pm. 

"Yeah I guess it is, time really does fly sometimes." Jessie said a little disheartened. 

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