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Andrew Jasun wasn't totally normal. Not normal at all. He struggled at reading books at school and lets just say this, he got a little carried away during Phy-Ed. For example, during a roller-skating unit he would pretend he was flying and when he pushed others down, it only meant they were falling from the sky. Yeah he liked lots of battle.

His mother was never around. His father, Felix Jasun, was a master chef at the local restaurant in little old Wisconsin. Andrew always liked going there to celebrate his birthday. They would sing in Japanese, how his dad knew Japanese? he had no idea.

When he was two Felix and a woman Andrew never knew had a child together. Eziko Jasun was his name. Unfortunately Andrew never saw Eziko much. He was to be kept by this mysterious woman and to grow up with her not Felix. His father promised him one thing, 'You will see Eziko when you turn 16.' That's it. Eziko was never brought up in another conversation.

Well there you have a little bit of background knowledge of Andrew Lee Jasun.

-Picture - Andrew Jasun (Nick Robinson)-

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