Chapter #1

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  It was a clear day at Nikko High School Academy, Birds chirped happily, The wind blew softly as The Sun smiled.

"Hmm...Lets see" the teacher of Class 2-A, Shouta-Sensei, mumbled a he scanned the class "Souhei stand up!" the boy named Souhei jerked his head towards the teacher as he sweated nervously and stood up '...crap' he thought "yes Sensei?" he asked "Who is the famous scientist who discovered the formula 'E-mc2'" Souhei shuffled nervously "u-um..."

"Newton?" he asked as he raised his hand

"No! that's wrong!" The teacher said as he pinched the bridge of his nose "I'll give you a clue then. He has a bald spot in his head"

'umm....' Souhei thought before exclaiming "Shaved Newton!" the class laughed at him though he seemed not bothered by it

The teacher gained an irk mark as he said "Wrong! his name starts with a letter A!"

"After shaved Newton?"

"Wrong! are you even trying!?" the class erupted to a laugh as some yelled 'what an idiot!', Souhei looked down and mumbled "s-sorry..." the teacher sighed "We just discussed this yesterday!" the teacher calmed down "FINE! one last clue: His name ends with a stein" Souhei looked deep in thought 'ends with a stein.....I Got It!' he exclaimed "FRANKENSTEIN!!!" "GET OUT!" "EHHH!?" "DON'T 'EH!?' ME! OUT!!" Souhei gained a depressed aura as he walked out of class not after giving the teacher a puppy dog eye,the teacher stared at him with a frown "OUT!" Souhei sighed and went out of class.

The teacher sighed "I don't know what to do with that kid...." he mumbled before looking at class again "Oi! Naru! stand up. It's your turn!"  

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