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A full moon night in that forest was considered both scary and magical to the majority of its residents. Every night would follow the same routine; the fairies would overflow with power, and often times would give off a light show due to them being unable to control it. Some had the power to put this expanse of power into special gemstones or other places. Some would even brighten the stars at night. The light shows were a good thing, something that calmed residents down, and even settled down the 'evil' that occurred during full moons. These things were never truly 'evil', just something about the moon being at its brightest and fullest made them go awry. Malevolent. Unnecessarily violent. The light shows eased everything up somehow. This didn't always happen, however. Even though the soft light was enough to save the majority of woodland creatures, some would still go missing during the night, and not be found until a long while later, days, weeks, months, even years. Sometimes they would never be found. No one knew exactly where these creatures disappeared to, though everyone had their own hypothesis. Even the 'evil' moonlight creatures could never say for certain. Their memories would constantly be wiped by the morning, and the night's events soon forgotten. But there were some that did remember, and while they would say they did, they could never say what. No one knew why that was, but some believed there was a greater power at play. What that power was, no one could say. Some blamed the fairies, some blamed angels, some couldn't blame anything at all, because to them, this power was simply inexplicable. Curses were also a very common belief, and the majority of the 'evil' moonlight creatures with night memory believed this theory over any other.

But was it as simple as a curse? No one could ever say for certain. While it was widely accepted, no one could deny that it could have been something else. What could that something else be? No one truly knew. Even all the out-there theories could be accepted as truth, if proof and evidence was provided. There was nothing to confirm or deny any theory. Could anyone find something to blame for the lack of information regarding the missing creatures? Were they even truly missing?

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